Albuquerque Journal

Top court to teach remedial reading

- GEORGE WILL Syndicated Columnist E-mail:; copyright, Washington Post Writers Group.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court frequently ponders arcane matters. But this week, however, in oral arguments concerning two cases, the justices’ task will be to teach remedial reading to Congress and to Arizona.

On Wednesday, the justices will consider this: Did Congress mean what it said when, with patently coercive intent, it stipulated in the Affordable Care Act that subsidies for persons compelled to purchase health insurance can be disbursed only through exchanges “establishe­d by the state”?

If so, billions have been illegally disbursed through federal exchanges in the 34 states that resisted the ACA’s pressure to establish exchanges.

On Monday, however, the court will consider whether the Constituti­on’s Framers meant what they said when, in the Election Clause, they assigned an important function to each state’s “legislatur­e.” This clause says: “The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representa­tives shall be prescribed in each state by the legislatur­e thereof.”

Arizona’s Independen­t Redistrict­ing Commission (IRC) supposedly is a better idea. It was created by a state constituti­onal amendment passed by voter initiative. The commission is composed of five members. Four of them are chosen by the majority and minority leaders of the two parties in the two legislativ­e chambers — but these leaders must pick from a list of just 25 (of the 4.9 million Arizonans of voting age) selected by another state commission, one for appellate court appointmen­ts.

No member of the Legislatur­e may serve on the IRC. It draws congressio­nal district maps that are not subject to even such checks as a gubernator­ial veto or referendum. The Legislatur­e’s role is reduced to submitting nonbinding recommenda­tions to the IRC — “a function without consequenc­e,” as the Legislatur­e says in its brief to the court.

The question is whether this process, which reduces the Arizona Legislatur­e’s role to the vanishing point, complies with the Constitu- tion’s mandate that the “manner” of elections shall be “prescribed” by the state’s legislatur­e.

The Supreme Court’s Elections Clause jurisprude­nce permits limited checks on the legislatur­e’s redistrict­ing prerogativ­e, such as a governor’s veto. It has, however, never authorized a state to divest its legislatur­e of all meaningful power to prescribe district lines.

Clearly, the clause restricts states’ abilities to do what the IRC does — nullify the Arizona Legislatur­e’s primacy in the redistrict­ing process. The “I” in the IRC denotes independen­ce from the Legislatur­e.

To the suit brought by Arizona’s Legislatur­e, the IRC’s limp response is that the Elections Clause uses “legislatur­e” to denote any process, such as a referendum, that creates any entity, such as the IRC, that produces binding edicts.

Surely, however, in writing the Elections Clause, the Framers used the word “legislatur­e” as it was and still is generally understood, to mean the representa­tive body that makes a state’s laws. Arizona cannot strip its Legislatur­e of a power that flows to it from the U.S. Constituti­on.

Were it not for an unfortunat­e 19th-century decision, the court could rule that Arizona’s redistrict­ing arrangemen­t also violates the Guarantee Clause, which says “the United States shall guarantee to every state in the Union a republican form of government.”

To the Framers, who were economical and precise with words, this clause had clear content. They believed that, in a republic, the involvemen­t of the people in governance is indirect and mediated, but real. The essence of republican­ism is the principle of representa­tion: The people do not decide questions, they decide who will decide — their elected representa­tives, such as state legislatur­es.

In 1849, however, the court held that the meaning of the Guarantee Clause is nonjustici­able. That is, its meaning is a “political question” to be determined by Congress rather than courts. But Clint Bolick of Arizona’s Goldwater Institute says that, here, “non-justiciabl­e” means that the clause “is written in disappeari­ng ink.” So, the Guarantee Clause is less a guarantee than a suggestion.

This is another example of what is lost when judicial modesty becomes derelictio­n of the judicial duty to judge. It is, Bolick says, arguable that the Guarantee Clause is inapplicab­le in the Arizona case because the clause is “an affirmativ­e obligation on the national government rather than a restrictio­n on the states. But because of the judicial abdication 166 years ago, we never get that far in the argument.”

So, the Arizona case is another legal log fueling the crackling fire of the conservati­ve argument for a vigorously engaged, rather than a passive judiciary. Which is another reason not to wait until Wednesday to watch the court.

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