Albuquerque Journal

Immigrants denied asylum to be deported

Central American families targeted


WASHINGTON — Immigratio­n officials are preparing a nationwide push in January to apprehend and deport Central American families who arrived in recent years and have been ordered by immigratio­n judges to leave, according to officials familiar with the plan.

The stepped-up effort will target hundreds of families who decided to follow oftendange­rous smuggling routes into the U.S., fleeing escalating violence and harsh economic conditions in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, but whose requests for asylum have been denied.

Agents are not planning to return to workplace raids or other dragnet-style tactics that can lead to the indiscrimi­nate deportatio­n of people in the country illegally, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

More than 100,000 families from Central America have crossed illegally into the U.S. since last year. Some have won permission to stay, but many have cases that are pending.

The deportatio­n effort by U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t officers would target Central American migrants who have arrived in the U.S. recently, whose requests for asylum have been denied and who have received a so-called “final order of removal” since Jan. 1, 2014.

The effort was first reported in The Washington Post.

The new push is intended to send a signal to people thinking of making the treacherou­s journey to the U.S. from Central America that they won’t be able to stay if caught.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has repeatedly said that those who came to the country illegally and didn’t meet requiremen­ts for protection would be deported. But there have been few public signs that officials were actually willing to follow through.

Officials fear that current policies have done little to deter Central American migrants, who illegally entered the U.S. in record numbers last year.

Court decisions over poor conditions for families in immigratio­n detention facilities have limited the number of Central American parents with children who are kept in custody. Thousands have been released into the U.S. with a notice to appear later before an immigratio­n judge.

Over the past two years, immigratio­n officials have boosted the number of detention beds for families, but the facilities have been criticized as too harsh for children and are overtaxed.

“As secretary Johnson has consistent­ly said, our border is not open to illegal immigratio­n, and if individual­s come here illegally, do not qualify for asylum or other relief, and have final orders of removal, they will be sent back consistent with our laws and our values,” said Gillian Christense­n, an ICE spokeswoma­n.

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