Albuquerque Journal

Better kid care

Update of screening guidelines for young kids, teens includes checking for depression, high cholestero­l, HIV


Update of screening guidelines for young kids, teens includes checking for depression, high cholestero­l, HIV.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released its updated list of recommende­d health care screenings for children, which includes checking for depression, high cholestero­l and HIV. Mayo Clinic Children’s Center pediatrici­an Dr. Angela Mattke says the revised recommenda­tions are a “firm affirmativ­e to pediatrici­ans that doing these screenings or testing will be beneficial to the child’s health.”

What are well-child visits?

Well-child visits are another name for routine checkups or physicals. “Much of the AAP Preventive Health Care Screening and Assessment Schedule for Children’s Checkups includes screening as opposed to skipping straight to testing,” Mattke says. “Screening usually involves asking questions pertaining to the subject or using a validated screening tool such as the CRAFFT (Car, Relax, Forget, Friends, Trouble) for drug and alcohol use or PHQ-9 Modified (depression screening tool) to make sure questions are asked in such a way that have been shown to pick up children and teens at risk for whatever they are screening for.”

She stresses that screening children is necessary because some children are at risk for these health conditions, the rate of the conditions is increasing in younger age groups, and without screening, they may go undiagnose­d and suffer serious health consequenc­es.

Depression screening every year from ages 11 through 21

“Depression screening is so important. Mood disorders and suicide rates increased over the last couple of decades,” Mattke says. “At least 10 percent of my practice is treating children with depression and anxiety. If we don’t ask them about it in a safe manner, they may not disclose.”

High cholestero­l screening for children between 9 and 11 years

Testing or screening children beginning at age 9 for high blood cholestero­l levels may help reduce the national trend of increased childhood obesity. Mattke says by addressing high cholestero­l in childhood, we can impact their adult risk factors for early coronary artery disease. She adds that teaching children and families about healthy diets and the importance of physical activity is a start.

HIV screening for adolescent­s between 16 and 18 years

“HIV rates are still increasing in this age group. Catching it early can mean a large difference in their overall health and ability to give it to other people through unprotecte­d sex,” Mattke says.

For parents and caregivers

The new recommenda­tions, says Mattke, should “give confidence to parents and guardians that their pediatrici­ans are trying to give their children the best, evidenceba­sed care. We do these screenings because they can impact the health and well-being of their child in a positive way.”

Changes in the screening guidelines

The recommenda­tion for routine vision screening at age 18 has been changed to risk-based assessment, based on evidence showing that fewer new vision problems develop in low-risk young adults.

To help reduce dental cavities, the top chronic disease affecting young children, a recommenda­tion has been added for fluoride varnish applicatio­ns from 6 months through 5 years.

Pediatrici­ans are advised to use the CRAFFT (Car, Relax, Alone, Friends, Trouble) screening questionna­ire as a tool to screen adolescent­s for drug and alcohol use.

Depression screening has been added, with suggested screenings every year from ages 11 through 21. Suicide is now a leading cause of death among adolescent­s.

A screening for dyslipidem­ia, or high blood cholestero­l levels, has been added for patients between 9 and 11 years old. The change reflected concerns about the growing epidemic of obesity in children.

A risk assessment has been added at 15 and 30 months for hematocrit or hemoglobin screening to help detect anemia, an iron deficiency.

An HIV screen was added for adolescent­s between 16 and 18 years to address federal statistics showing that 1 in 4 new HIV infections occurs in youth ages 13 to 24 years old, and that about 60 percent of all youth with HIV do not know they are infected.

Screen for cervical dysplasia, the presence of precancero­us cells on the surface of the cervix, only at 21 years (instead of risk assessment every year from ages 11 through 21).

A screening for critical congenital heart disease using pulse oximetry has been added and should be performed in the hospital before newborn discharge.

 ?? GREG SORBER/JOURNAL ?? Pediatrici­an Sharon Garnand, left, examines 2-yearold Josiah Jude Silva at the Presbyteri­an Pediatric
Urgent Care in 2003.
GREG SORBER/JOURNAL Pediatrici­an Sharon Garnand, left, examines 2-yearold Josiah Jude Silva at the Presbyteri­an Pediatric Urgent Care in 2003.
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