Albuquerque Journal

CIA head: U.S. hasn’t curbed IS reach

Expect more attacks, Brennan tells panel


WASHINGTON — The U.S. battle against the Islamic State has not yet curbed the group’s global reach, and as pressure mounts on the extremists in Iraq and Syria, they are expected to plot more attacks on the West and incite violence by lone wolves, CIA Director John Brennan told Congress on Thursday.

In a rare open hearing, Brennan gave the Senate intelligen­ce Committee an update on the threat from Islamic extremists and shared his views on a myriad of other topics, including encryption, Russia and Syria.

Brennan said IS has worked to build an apparatus to direct and inspire attacks against its foreign enemies, as in the recent attacks in Paris and Brussels — ones the CIA believes were directed by the top IS leaders.

“ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentiall­y serve as operatives for attacks in the West,” Brennan said, using a different acronym for the group.

“Furthermor­e, as we have seen in Orlando, San Bernardino and elsewhere, ISIL is attempting to inspire attacks by sympathize­rs who have no direct links to the group.”

Brennan said the CIA has not been able to uncover any direct link between the Orlando shooter and a foreign terrorist organizati­on.

He said the U.S.-led coalition has killed IS leaders, forced the group to surrender large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria and that fewer fighters are traveling to Syria and others have defected.

While the group’s ability to raise money has been thwarted, it still generates at least tens of millions of dollars every month, mostly from taxation and sales of crude oil on black markets in Syria and Iraq.

“Unfortunat­ely, despite all our progress against ISIL on the battlefiel­d and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group’s terrorism capability and global reach,” he said.

He said IS is slowly cultivatin­g its branches into an interconne­cted global network and that the number of IS fighters now far exceeds what al-Qaida had at its peak.

The CIA estimates there are 18,000 to 22,000 IS fighters in Syria and Iraq — down from about 33,000 last year. The branch in Libya, with between 5,000 and 8,000 fighters, is the most advanced and most dangerous, but IS is trying to increase its influence in Africa, Brennan said.

He said Boko Haram is now the IS branch in West Africa and has several thousand fighters. Brennan described the IS branch in the Sinai as the most active and capable terrorist group in Egypt, attacking Egyptian military and government targets as well as foreigners and tourists, such as in the downing of a Russian passenger jet last October.

The Yemen branch, with several hundred fighters, has been riven with factionali­sm. And the Afghanista­n-Pakistan branch, also with hundreds of fighters, has struggled to maintain its cohesion, in part because of competitio­n with the Taliban, he said.

The issue of encryption arose several times during the nearly two-hour hearing.

Law enforcemen­t officials say data encryption is making it harder to hunt for terror suspects and intercept their messages. They say they need access to encrypted communicat­ions and that tech companies should maintain the ability to unlock the data from their customers.

They face fierce opposition from Silicon Valley companies that say encryption safeguards their customers’ privacy rights and protects them from hackers, corporate spies and other breaches.

Lawmakers have weighed in on both sides of the dispute and are working to find the appropriat­e role for government in an area where the private sector operates the internet.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? CIA Director John Brennan testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on the Islamic State.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS CIA Director John Brennan testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on the Islamic State.

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