Albuquerque Journal

For the sake of our children, let’s hold down the noise

- ESTHER J. CEPEDA Syndicated Columnist

CHICAGO — In his book “The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want,” Garret Keizer writes: “Noise is not the most important problem in the world. Compared to the disasters of famine, war, and global climate change, the existence of ‘unwanted sound’ hardly counts as a problem at all.”

Of course noise doesn’t compare to all those disasters, but to me, it’s still a huge deal.

As a person who has practicall­y become a hermit because of the sound pollution permeating restaurant­s, coffee shops, clothing stores, public gathering places and former havens of quiet like the neighborho­od library, I hope that Keizer’s assertion that noise “rarely emerges as a public issue” soon becomes untrue.

Keizer, whose book could be read as a call to arms for quieting our far too noisy world, would surely be gratified to learn that science is finally understand­ing the impact that noise has on what he calls “the weakest of us” — “a set of members whose only common features are their humanity and their lack of clout. [This] list will include children (some of whom, according to the World Health Organizati­on, receive more noise at school than workers from an eight-hour work day at a factory).”

Indeed, in a paper just posted to the website of the journal Child Developmen­t, researcher­s from the University of Wisconsin-Madison report finding that the presence of background noise in the home or at school makes it more difficult for toddlers to learn new words.

Prior research on the impact of environmen­tal noise on children has suggested that too much of it can affect children both cognitivel­y and psycho-physiologi­cally, which manifests itself as increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol and a faster heart rate as well as poorer school performanc­e.

The new research, however, focused specifical­ly on word learning in the noisy environmen­ts children may inhabit at home and school.

Across three studies that involved children ranging from ages 22 months to 30 months, toddlers were taught names for unfamiliar objects while being exposed to either louder or quieter background speech. They were then tested on their ability to recall the words and recognize the objects when they were labeled.

In all the studies, louder background speech hindered the toddlers’ ability to learn.

“Hearing new words in fluent speech without a lot of background noise before trying to learn what objects the new words correspond­ed to may help very young children master new vocabulary,” suggested study co-author Jenny Saffran, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in a press release.

The good news is that the researcher­s found that in the noisier environmen­t, intentiona­lly drawing the toddlers’ attention to the specific sounds of the new words helped compensate for the noisy environmen­t.

Sadly, such an advanced teaching technique is not one likely to be natural to the parents and families of low-income children who are already at high risk of not interactin­g enough with their children. This lack of caregivers talking directly with infants is what researcher­s believe leads to the famous 30-million-word gap between what low-income and more affluent kids have heard by age 3.

So maybe the word gap emerges not just from a lack of talking to a baby, but because when it does occur, it happens in the noisy, chaotic environmen­ts that are the hallmarks of families living in poverty.

Not that this new research of the toll noise takes on developing brains is limited to those who live in overcrowde­d or chaotic homes. Today’s toys are noise machines — visit a daycare center and you’ll learn that the squealing of children over beeping, singing and chirping toys makes for an ear-splitting setting.

Middle-class homes are not immune. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that kids spend an average of seven hours a day on television­s, computers, phones and other electronic devices — not including when their sounds are the background of daily life.

The AAP says “Children and teens should engage with entertainm­ent media for no more than one or two hours per day, and that should be high-quality content . ... Television and other entertainm­ent media should be avoided for infants and children under age 2. A child’s brain develops rapidly during these first years, and young children learn best by interactin­g with people, not screens.”

Noise truly is a great plight of our time. Enjoying quiet should be a top priority for everyone — and be considered a right for children.

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