Albuquerque Journal

Hacked emails complicate Dems’ convention

Bitterness lingers in Sanders’ supporters


PHILADELPH­IA — On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton arrives in Philadelph­ia eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership. To do that, she must overcome lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and clean up a resurgent political mess of the party’s own making.

The resignatio­n of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee made for a rocky start on Sunday, as the Florida congresswo­man heeded Sanders’ longstandi­ng call to leave as party chief. Her departure comes a few days after the publicatio­n of 19,000 hacked emails, which Sanders said confirmed his belief the national party played favorites for Clinton during the primary.

“The party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people,” Sanders said.

Wasserman Schultz’s abrupt departure was undoubtedl­y an effort to keep the Democrats’ gathering from devolving into the tumult that marred last week’s GOP meeting, when runner-up Ted Cruz pointedly and publicly refused to endorse nominee Donald Trump. As he demanded Wasserman Schultz’s resignatio­n, Sanders made clear he wants to see Clinton in the White House.

“I’m going to do everything I can to defeat him, to elect Hillary Clinton and to keep focusing, keep focusing on the real issues facing the American people,” Sanders said

Clinton and President Barack Obama both quickly praised the departed party chief, hoping to move past the ugliness and onto today’s launch of an optimistic celebratio­n featuring highpowere­d elected officials and celebritie­s who will try to reintroduc­e Clinton to a general election audience.

Never one to miss an opportunit­y to poke at his rivals, Trump appeared to relish the Democratic chaos Sunday, writing on Twitter: “The Dems Convention is cracking up.” His campaign chief, Paul Manafort, called on Clinton to drop out of the race altogether.

At the Republican convention, Trump cast himself as the law-and-order candidate in a nation suffering under crime and hobbled by immigratio­n. Trump said: “The legacy of Hillary Clinton is death, destructio­n, terrorism and weakness.”

In return, Clinton seized upon what she called the “fear and the anger and the resentment” from Trump and Republican­s, dismissing Trump’s declaratio­n that only he could fix the problems that afflict the nation.

Sanders will address the convention tonight, and Obama will speak on Wednesday night. Other high-profile speakers include first lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden.

They will try to overcome party disunity that seems certain to also be a factor in Philadelph­ia, given Wasserman Schultz’s departure and the general unhappines­s among many Sanders supporters intensifie­d by both the emails and by Clinton’s pick of Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate.

“If they think they can win without half the party, let them lose,” said Andrew Fader, 27, of New York, who was wearing a “Bernie” T-shirt on Sunday near the Liberty Bell. “And I’ll move to Canada.”

Norman Solomon, a delegate who supports Sanders, said Wasserman Schultz’s removal was unlikely to soothe those who back the Vermont senator. He said there is talk among Sanders’ delegates of walking out during Kaine’s acceptance speech or turning their backs as a show of protest. Sanders’ supporters believe Kaine is not liberal enough.

Sanders endorsed Clinton two weeks ago after pressing for the party platform to include a $15-an-hour minimum wage, debt-free college and an expansion of access to health care.

Liberal Sanders supporters pushed for changes to the party nominating process at a meeting of the convention rules committee Saturday. They did not succeed in passing an amendment abolishing superdeleg­ates, but they did win a compromise deal with the Clinton camp — a “unity commission” that will review the overall procedures and will seek to limit the role of superdeleg­ates in future elections.

 ?? JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A member of the media shoots video during setup for the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, announced her resignatio­n Sunday in the wake of a leaked email controvers­y.
JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS A member of the media shoots video during setup for the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, announced her resignatio­n Sunday in the wake of a leaked email controvers­y.
 ??  ?? CLINTON: Her VP pick disappoint­ed progressiv­es
CLINTON: Her VP pick disappoint­ed progressiv­es

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