Albuquerque Journal

Va. governor restores felons’ voting rights

About 13,000 approved in first wave after court ruling against McAuliffe


RICHMOND, Va. — A defiant Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Monday that he again restored the voting rights of about 13,000 felons who served their time after his previous attempt was thwarted by Republican lawmakers and the state Supreme Court.

Virginia’s highest court ruled in July that governors cannot restore rights en masse, but must consider each offender on a case-by-case basis. That ruling invalidate­d a sweeping executive order issued by McAuliffe in April that had given back the voting rights of more than 200,000 felons who completed their sentences.

McAuliffe blasted the court Monday for ignoring “the clear text of the Constituti­on” and accused Republican­s of trying to suppress voters’ voices. But he pledged to move forward, saying he won’t let the felon disenfranc­hisement “destroy lives and families, and destabiliz­e communitie­s.”

“These individual­s are gainfully employed. They send their children and their grand. children to our schools. They shop in our grocery stores and they pay taxes. And I am not content to condemn them for eternity as inferior secondclas­s citizens,” McAuliffe said during an event at the Virginia Civil Rights Memorial.

Rights-restoratio­n letters were mailed Friday to the roughly 13,000 people who had registered to vote before their rights were taken away by the court, McAuliffe said. His administra­tion processed each felon’s paperwork individual­ly to comply with the ruling, he said.

Moving forward, McAuliffe will individual­ly restore the rights of other felons who meet the requiremen­ts, giving priority to those who request it, he said. The orders also allow the felons to serve on a jury, run for public office and become a notary public.

A voter-registrati­on applicatio­n will be included in each of the rights-restoratio­n letters sent to felons, McAuliffe said. The deadline to register to vote in Virginia for November’s election is Oct. 17.

The Virginia Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision striking down his executive order was a significan­t blow to McAuliffe, who called felon disenfranc­hisement a vestige of the state’s Jim Crow past because it disproport­ionately impacts African-Americans.

Republican­s have accused McAuliffe of trying to add more Democrats to the voter rolls to aid presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton in November, but McAuliffe maintains his motivation­s weren’t political. The administra­tion recently released the names and addresses of the 13,000 who had registered, and most of them live in urban areas that typically vote Democratic.

Kenneth Williams, whose voter registrati­on was canceled after the court ruling, said he looks forward to getting his letter saying his rights have once again been restored. The 67-year-old, who served 10 years on a robbery charge and now runs a prisoner re-entry program, said he’s eager to not only vote himself, but help to register others.

 ?? BOB BROWN/RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH ?? Eric Branch introduces Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, right, during a ceremony dealing with the restoratio­n of voting rights at the Virginia Civil Rights memorial at the State Capitol in Richmond, Va., on Monday. Branch, who served over four years in...
BOB BROWN/RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH Eric Branch introduces Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, right, during a ceremony dealing with the restoratio­n of voting rights at the Virginia Civil Rights memorial at the State Capitol in Richmond, Va., on Monday. Branch, who served over four years in...

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