Albuquerque Journal


- ARGUS HAMILTON Argus Hamilton is host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. Email him at Argus@ArgusHamil­

God bless America, and how’s everybody?

George Clooney raved about his dog Einstein while promoting the joys of pet adoption during a political fundraiser he hosted for Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles. In the long run, it doesn’t matter if you adopt a dog or host a fundraiser for the presidenti­al candidates. Either way, your rug is ruined.

Bernie Sanders launched his political group Our Revolution on Wednesday, but eight staffers quit when they found it can take large donations. He has always been a true liberal. Back when he was a little boy and his friends played Cowboys and Indians, Bernie was always the Chinese railroad worker.

An Associated Press story revealed that Hillary Clinton scheduled half of her secretary of state telephone meetings with Clinton Foundation donors. It looks like access-buying. Hillary is so afraid the media will blow this up into a huge story that she just asked Ryan Lochte to make up another robbery.

Donald Trump conducted a town hall meeting in Austin, where he said he would meet with the president of Mexico if elected U.S. president. A day before, the president of Mexico said he would meet with Trump if he were elected president. It’ll be just the two of them and their food tasters.

Donald Trump hinted at a softening of his proposal on mass deportatio­n of undocument­ed immigrants if elected president. He wants to keep all the law-abiding people and deport all the criminals. Australia announced it is building a wall around the country to keep Donald Trump’s exports out.

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