Albuquerque Journal

Washington not nearly that ‘polarized’


“Polarize” is a funny word. I hear it all the time, including from my own mouth. The country is polarized. The parties are polarized. President Trump is polarizing. I think that’s true, but I don’t think the word means what people think.

Merriam Webster offers this: “to break up into opposing factions or groupings, (e.g.) a campaign that polarized the electorate.” That looks right to me. But when people hear “polarized,” they think something like “the maximum distance” apart — like the North and South poles on opposite ends of the planet.

In other words, the metaphor implicit in the word suggests that Republican­s and Democrats, conservati­ves and liberals, could not be any further apart ideologica­lly. And that’s really not true.

The other day, The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza Tweeted, “No question Republican­s have moved further right than Democrats have moved left. But Democrats have moved way left too.”

It is undoubtedl­y true that on some issues, Republican­s have moved right and Democrats have moved left. The more important point is that in many respects, this just isn’t true. Consider Trump. His position on trade, his signature issue, represents not a sharp break from the left, but a closing of the gap with it. Protection­ism and “fair trade” have been staples of the Democratic Party’s base for a very long time, which is why both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p.

Likewise on infrastruc­ture spending and entitlemen­t reform, Trump hasn’t staked out some extreme libertaria­n stance, he has stolen the issues from Democrats. Just look at health care. The Republican­s just unveiled their plan to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. It’s likely no Democrat in the House will vote for it, not because of its radicalism, but because it is an insult to Barack Obama’s legacy.

There is a natural human tendency to believe that those we hate must believe the opposite of what we believe, what psychologi­sts call “the narcissism of minor difference­s.” George W. Bush campaigned on “compassion­ate conservati­sm,” triangulat­ing against the libertaria­n rhetoric of (the old) Newt Gingrich and the dour pessimism of social conservati­ves. His first legislativ­e priority was bipartisan education reform, supported by Sen. Ted Kennedy. Bush’s prescripti­on drug benefit constitute­d the largest expansion in entitlemen­ts since the Great Society (at least until Obamacare). He rejected the conservati­sm of William F. Buckley, arguing “when somebody hurts, government has got to move.” And for these sins, Democrats instantly and continuous­ly insisted he was some kind of radical.

Before Bush, Republican­s denounced Bill Clinton as a leftwing extremist, even though he was a free trader, supported the death penalty, and campaigned on and signed welfare reform.

Even on social issues, where there are certainly significan­t ideologica­l difference­s, the two sides are often on opposing sides of some narrow questions. Conservati­ves don’t seek to outlaw homosexual­ity or transgende­rism. They don’t seek to ban women from the workforce. To the very limited extent there are Republican­s still seeking to forbid gay marriage, their position is the same Obama and Hillary Clinton held until a few years ago.

In “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell wrote about how metaphors can do our thinking for us and bad metaphors can lead us to faulty conclusion­s. “Polarized” is precisely the kind of “dying metaphor” Orwell had in mind. The country is indeed polarized. But it is more socially and politicall­y divided than it is ideologica­lly. The root of the disagreeme­nt has more to do with making sure “our” team has power. What it does with that power is, at best, a secondary considerat­ion.

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