Albuquerque Journal

Project competence and confidence

Women inadverten­tly undermine their leadership by not doing both

- By Minda Zetlin

The number of women in leadership roles is abysmal — and society’s general discomfort with women in positions of authority is a big part of the problem.

But women can, and often do, undermine their own authority in the way they approach leadership and the confidence they do or don’t project. That analysis comes from Daina Middleton, leadership coach and author of “Grace Meets Grit: How to Bring Out the Remarkable, Courageous Leader Within.”

This doesn’t mean that women’s lack of advancemen­t is their fault, but it does mean they might be inadverten­tly making things worse. Ask yourself how many of these common mistakes you’ve made:

1. Counting on your work to speak for itself

Promoting your own value and telling people about your accomplish­ments and worth can feel awkward, especially for women. Many of us fall back on the idea that if we work extra hard and do an excellent job at everything we take on, that excellence will be noticed and rewarded without having to promote ourselves, which takes many of us outside our comfort zone.

“That’s why women work more on competence than on confidence,” Middleton says. “They think, ‘If I’m just better, I won’t have to confront this core issue.’ ”

Unfortunat­ely, it doesn’t work that way. If you want to succeed in a leadership role, you must learn to project confidence as well as competence. Perception­s of competence are highly subjective, Middleton says — people are more likely to think you’re good at what you do if you yourself act like you know this to be true. Being able to project confidence is an essential skill for any leader.

2. Hesitating to take on the status of leadership

“Women prioritize establishi­ng and maintainin­g relationsh­ips and men prioritize gaining and maintainin­g status, and each of those translates directly into a leadership style,” Middleton says. “But when you establish a relationsh­ip with someone, then step out of equal status, it disrupts that relationsh­ip. That’s the core discomfort women have, and it’s why we work more on competence.”

3. Delaying a decision to gather all points of view

This is a mistake women commonly make, Middleton says.

“Decisivene­ss is the most recognized leadership behavior,” she says, “whereas women will be very inclusive in their leadership and decision-making approach. They might sacrifice speed to be sure they’re being inclusive, and they may be judged as not having leadership skills.”

Does this mean you have to make quicker decisions? Not necessaril­y, Middleton says. But if you delay a decision so as to gather more viewpoints, make sure you are also seen to be taking immediate action. Send a note to your boss or a message to your organizati­on that says what you’ve done so far, what you plan to do next and when.

“Many women miss doing that,” she notes.

4. Not voicing strong opinions

You may really know your stuff. Unfortunat­ely, Middleton says, “there’s lots of research that shows having a strong opinion counts more than knowing what you’re talking about.”

How do you address this problem without sounding like a blowhard? Middleton recommends having the facts at your command. Once you do, you can state your point of view with confidence and authority because you know you can back up whatever you say.

5. Not learning how to project calm and confidence while speaking

“Learn to speak the language of status and confidence,” Middleton advises. “Confidence is in the way you speak, your tone, your deliberate­ness and calmness, and how you portray your body language.”

Look for a practice that will put you back in a place of calm authority when you feel your confidence slipping. That practice will be different for everyone.

For some women, it’s simply slowing and evening out their breathing; for others, it might be picturing the other people in the room naked.

Middleton says her practice is to think about riding her horse, rememberin­g that when a horse is skittish, sitting calmly in the saddle, taking up space and speaking in a calm voice will help it settle down.

Figure out what mental practice will help keep you projecting confidence before the next time you find yourself in a stressful leadership situation.

6. Not embracing your own power

Leadership is about power. But most women are uncomforta­ble taking on the power of a leader.

“When I ask women to come up with someone in a powerful position who had an impact on their lives, it’s never another woman,” Middleton says. That may partly result from the general shortage of women in powerful positions, but it’s still noteworthy.

She encourages women to think of power as the ability to empower others rather than having power over them.

“Power is potential realized,” she says. “Part of confidence is embracing your own internal power. You can’t be a leader without it.”

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