Albuquerque Journal



God bless America, and how’s everybody?

Psychology Today reports that the arrival of spring heralds a marked improvemen­t in human happiness and an overall feeling of well-being. Spring can’t come soon enough. I don’t want to say I was in a surly mood last night, but my Uber driver gave me just one star, and it was a self-driving car.

Democrats took turns on TV blasting President Trump for congratula­ting Vladimir Putin on Sunday’s election win. Meanwhile, the porn star passed a lie detector test to verify her affair with Trump. And to think I’m old enough to remember when Democrats had sex and Republican­s hated the Russians.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said it isn’t the business of the U.S. to tell other countries how to elect their leaders. Democracy is a little different in every country; Vladimir Putin has just been re-elected president of Russia with 135 percent of the vote.

“Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon told a press conference Monday that she will challenge incumbent Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary for governor of New York. The name recognitio­n is certainly there. Her bumper stickers read, “Vote for Nixon, No Relation.” Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, and entertains groups and organizati­ons around the country. Email him at Argus@ArgusHamil­ton. com.

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