Albuquerque Journal

Trump really doesn’t oppose immigratio­n bills

President ‘misspoke’ about possible veto


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump ignited eleventhho­ur confusion Friday over Republican efforts to push immigratio­n legislatio­n through the House, when he said he wouldn’t sign a “moderate” package. But the White House later walked back the comments, formally endorsing the measure and saying Trump had been confused.

The campaign-season tumult erupted as GOP leaders put finishing touches on a pair of Republican bills: a hard-right proposal and a middle-ground plan negotiated by the party’s conservati­ve and moderate wings, with White House input. Only the compromise bill would open a door to citizenshi­p for young immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children and reduce the separation of children from their parents when families are detained crossing the border — a practice that has drawn bipartisan condemnati­on in recent days.

“I’m looking at both of them,” Trump said when asked about the proposals during an impromptu interview on “Fox & Friends,” adding: “I certainly wouldn’t sign the more moderate one.”

The comment prompted widespread confusion on the Hill. Earlier this week, House Speaker Paul Ryan told his colleagues that Trump supported the middle-ground package, and White House aide Stephen Miller, an immigratio­n hard-liner who has been accused of trying to sabotage immigratio­n deals in the past, told conservati­ve lawmakers at a closed-door meeting that the president backed that plan.

But a senior White House official later said Trump had misspoken and believed his Fox interviewe­r was asking about an effort by GOP moderates — abandoned for now — that would have forced votes on a handful of bills and likely led to House passage of liberal-leaning versions party leaders oppose.

The interviewe­r had specifical­ly asked whether Trump supported a conservati­ve bill penned by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., or “something more moderate,” and asked whether he’d sign “either one.”

The White House later put out a statement formally endorsing the measure.

“The President fully supports both the Goodlatte bill and the House leadership bill,” said White House spokesman Raj Shah.

Trump also weighed in by tweet, writing that any bill “MUST HAVE” provisions financing his proposed wall with Mexico and curbing the existing legal immigratio­n system. Those items are included in the middle-ground package.

“Go for it! WIN!” Trump wrote in a tweet that stopped short of explicitly endorsing the compromise plan.

Despite their policy clashes, both Republican factions have been eager for the votes to be held as a way to show constituen­ts where they stand. In addition, party leaders want to move on from an issue that divides the GOP, complicati­ng their effort to retain House control in November’s elections.

The more conservati­ve measure is seen as virtually certain to lose. Party leaders have nurtured hopes that the compromise version could pass, but Trump’s backing would be crucial. His opposition would be an embarrassi­ng and likely fatal setback.

Conservati­ves are leery of legislatio­n protecting from deportatio­n immigrants who arrived illegally, calling it amnesty.

After Trump made his comments on Fox, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., the GOP’s No. 2 vote counter, told reporters that leaders were seeking “clarity” from the White House. He suggested that plans for votes next week were being reconsider­ed.

“House Republican­s are not going to take on immigratio­n without the support and endorsemen­t of President Trump,” McHenry said.

Democrats are expected to solidly oppose both GOP bills, giving Republican­s little leeway for losing support.

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