Albuquerque Journal

Some are now weaponizin­g the Census


THE CENSUS as I understand it is to provide practical informatio­n allowing our government to perform primary functions, from road building and health care to how our courts are staffed. It is now being weaponized by the unhealthy parts of our citizenry — led by Trump — to make sure “others” don’t receive benefit from living and working within the U.S. system.

Brown and black folk seem to be particular targets of a privileged, wealthy, white social bloc. This bloc, led by such as Trump, will use any mechanism to sabotage “others” rights to live and work. Notice how unhealthy, hypocritic­al citizen groups — especially those “Christian” profit-making concentrat­ion camps! — have used U.S. systems and tax monies to hurt “others” for fun and profit. Using the Census to intimidate brown and black people is a blatant attempt by bigots and racists to involve the general white population in hurting “others.” Bigots and racists think these kinds of things are good for the U.S., with the added bonus of “owning the Libs.”

There is a constituti­onal requiremen­t that the government count all persons in the U.S. The Constituti­on does not mandate (that) citizens cooperate with the counting. I have made the personal decision that if the U.S. Government cannot comport itself with decency, fairness and equality toward all, I won’t participat­e.

To break this growing pattern in the U.S. of 1930s-style barbaric behavior, decent — especially white — humans should shun this wealthy, white social bloc that seems to enjoy abusing innocents based on skin color.

It’s a safe bet, however, that however this goes now, the U.S. Census is already corrupted and will be inaccurate. Media coverage is already having its effect on this issue. Note has been made of how Trump uses media to promote himself. What we don’t seem to be able to say publicly is that Trump is using media to hurt us all. Since he hates himself, it’s only to be expected he will project that hate on the rest of us. CHARLES MCCORVY Albuquerqu­e

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