Albuquerque Journal

Time for a fair and transparen­t plan to reopen New Mexico


Picture a single mother working two jobs to provide basic necessitie­s like food and shelter for her children. Now picture the faces of her children looking up into their mother’s eyes when she tells them she has no job to go to anymore.

Picture a long-suffering patient who finally got to the head of the line for surgery — only to be told to wait even longer. As Dr. Jay Bhattachar­ya, health policy researcher at Stanford University, summed it up bluntly, “Depression­s are deadly for people. Especially poor people.”

Over 30 million people — mothers, fathers, grandparen­ts, students — have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 reaction administer­ed by America’s state government­s. But these are not just lost wages; they will lead to lost lives. Of course, those hardest hit are the low-income, working-class individual­s, especially in the service, retail, manufactur­ing and transporta­tion industries. It is “la gente” and those living paycheck to paycheck who are threatened with unpreceden­ted economic devastatio­n.

While the governor deserves credit for being responsive to the public by loosening guidelines on some so-called “nonessenti­al” businesses, it is still too limited to do much good. Frustratin­gly, instead of developing a safe and pragmatic plan, she has seemingly forgotten small and local businesses while giving special treatment to big-box retailers by allowing them to remain open.

Our local mom-and-pop stores are crucial economic engines in our state and are the backbone to many New Mexico communitie­s. By excluding small businesses that are willing and able to follow state guidelines — and are often more innovative and nimble than big-box stores — the state government­mandated shutdown seems overly punitive and heavy-handed. A recent attempt to make an example of a Grants pawn shop by fining the small-business owner $60,000 is counterpro­ductive and will only fuel the growing unrest of those who feel their plights are being ignored.

Economist Thomas Sowell is famous for saying, “There are no solutions in life, only trade-offs.” This debate has become about being safe vs. sorry, about people over profit. But the truth is, it is not about choosing between protecting lives and making money, it is actually about how many lives will be lost due to COVID-19 compared to how many lives will be lost and ruined due to poverty.

The feasibilit­y and desirabili­ty of policy alternativ­es must be understood in terms of the trade-offs among their benefits and costs. Thus, it is important for the governor and her newly appointed Economic Recovery Council to be open and transparen­t in their decision-making process, including economic assumption­s and modeling prediction­s relating to the spread of the virus.

This transparen­cy will allow New Mexicans to better understand and ultimately “buy in” to the reasoning behind the policy decisions, which stands in contrast to the mounting frustratio­n around the state toward mandates that appear arbitrary and unfair.

After all, giving New Mexicans hope through a fair and transparen­t plan to reopen our economy as soon as possible may be just as vital a remedy as any medical interventi­on in mitigating the long-term impact of the coronaviru­s pandemic. Hispanos Unidos is a non-partisan grassroots organizati­on.

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