Albuquerque Journal

Biden offers Latinos big step backward


I am proud to serve on President Trump’s new White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative so that I can help protect and secure the gains Hispanic Americans have made under this administra­tion.

Hispanic Americans are now the second-largest demographi­c in the country. As New Mexicans know, we have always made up a plurality of this state, and many of our families, mine included, have been in this country since before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. Latinos have nothing to gain from the radical movement now tearing down America’s history in the name of racial grievance.

It is as much our history and our country that Joe Biden and his pals are coming for as anyone else’s, attacking monuments to our ancestors who explored and settled this land. As President Trump made clear in his Independen­ce Day address at Mount Rushmore, we must never surrender before a mob intent on recasting American history as a racial morality play.

In several American cities, Democrats — with Joe Biden’s complete approval — looked the other way as rioters attacked and burned Hispanic-owned business and Hispanic communitie­s. Only President Trump stood with law and order against the violence. Democrats believe we should just forget all this because they’re promising handouts and an end to the enforcemen­t of immigratio­n laws.

Well, not only have my ancestors been here for many decades, but like them, I’m not interested in handouts. I came up from nothing, the son of a poor single mom, and I made it the American way — the same way hundreds of thousands of other Hispanic Americans have made it thanks to the able economic leadership of this administra­tion.

Hispanic Americans reached their lowest unemployme­nt rate — ever — their lowest poverty rate — ever — and their highest median income — ever — under President Trump. He didn’t accomplish this by opening the border and giving people cradle-to-grave welfare. He lifted more than 600,000 Hispanic Americans out of poverty and, in 2018 alone, oversaw a net increase of 362,000 Hispanic homeowners through pro-growth policies such as broad tax cuts for the middle class, regulatory relief for small businesses, 9,000 newly-designated Opportunit­y Zones — home to more than 9 million Hispanic Americans — that attract investment­s and jobs, and trade and immigratio­n policies that benefit Americans.

The president is not finished, as he demonstrat­ed with his recent executive order establishi­ng the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative on which I will serve, along with a President’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity. We are going to identify ways to get back to the unpreceden­ted wave of prosperity Hispanic Americans were enjoying before the coronaviru­s pandemic mandated a partial shutdown of our economy, and we’re also going to find ways to further the goals of educationa­l choice in Hispanic communitie­s across the country.

I’m excited to be on the front lines of this effort. Hispanic Americans have made great strides over the past few years, but we can reach even greater heights with another four years of President Trump’s empowering policies.

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