Albuquerque Journal

Time to end oil and gas boondoggle

- BY MARTHA MARKS Martha Marks of Santa Fe is board chair of Conservati­ves for Responsibl­e Stewardshi­p.

Acentral tenet of traditiona­l conservati­sm always has been personal responsibi­lity. Russell Kirk, whom President Reagan called “the prophet of American conservati­sm,” wrote of the correlatio­n between rights and responsibi­lities: “Every right is married to a duty; every freedom owes a correspond­ing responsibi­lity.”

Sadly, this simple principle is not being applied to oil and gas companies with permits to drill on our public lands.

When these companies file for bankruptcy, as they often do these days, the old wells and other infrastruc­ture that they leave behind threaten the surroundin­g air, water and land long after they are gone. Not only is this a disaster for the environmen­t, but also it is bad for our wallets.

By failing to clean up after themselves, these companies shift the responsibi­lity to taxpayers. You and I end up footing the bill to the tune of $20,000 to $145,000 per well, according to the Government Accountabi­lity Office. Given today’s large number of “orphaned” wells, these numbers really add up.

Total reclamatio­n costs for wells operating on public lands could exceed $6.1 billion, although we can’t be entirely sure because the federal government does a poor job of keeping track of them. What we do know is that, if those orphaned wells are not properly reclaimed, they can contaminat­e local drinking water and release as much air pollution as 1.5 million cars.

Perhaps you’re asking, how did we get into this fiscal and environmen­tal mess?

The answer is that our federal oil and gas system is woefully outdated. Before oil and gas companies even start to drill, they must put money down in the form of bonds to cover cleanup costs in the event they file for bankruptcy. The problem is that these bonds are based on rates that have not been revised in over half a century and do not reflect today’s soaring reclamatio­n costs.

This means that taxpayers bear most of the risk when oil and gas companies, which are increasing­ly on shaky financial footing, drill on our public lands.

At a time when state budgets in New Mexico and elsewhere are strapped by the economic fallout of COVID-19, they can’t afford to spend millions or billions of dollars cleaning up after bankrupt oil and gas companies. And it’s even more galling that those same companies often are paying extravagan­t bonuses to CEOs on their way out the door.

This long-standing problem is now a full-blown crisis because instabilit­y in the global oil market, brought on by the pandemic, has resulted in a wave of bankruptci­es, with more likely to come.

Communitie­s that have long depended on the oil and gas industry for jobs and tax revenue are now facing contaminat­ion of their drinking water, air and public lands from all the orphaned wells left behind.

There is a simple, fair, and — yes — conservati­ve solution to this crisis. We must update the federal bonding rates to reflect the actual costs of oil well cleanup.

There are growing calls for the use of federal funds to hire tens of thousands of unemployed oil workers to reclaim the orphaned wells that already exist. Still, that would be like putting a Band-Aid on the larger issue.

Any such effort to clean up orphaned wells needs to be tied to bonding reform so that future generation­s are not saddled with the same problem.

Although some states, including New Mexico, have launched efforts to strengthen state bonding requiremen­ts, they can only do so much. The federal government must do its part to tackle the larger problem.

As members of Congress continue considerin­g proposals to fund the cleanup of orphaned wells, they must not overlook the urgent need to strengthen federal bonding rates.

Just as we responsibl­y practice a leave-no-trace ethic when we camp or hike on our favorite public lands, oil companies should have to do the same. As Russell Kirk would have said: It is their duty.

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