Albuquerque Journal

UNM faculty deserves fair union agreement


It’s an understate­ment to say the last 14 months were challengin­g for educators across New Mexico. As a faculty member in the biology department at the University of New Mexico, I built new online lecture and lab courses in real time to replace face-to-face instructio­n. I was intent on maintainin­g quality and substance for the 1,604 UNM students I taught during the pandemic, each of whom was coping with their own struggles.

I have been amazed by the resilience of my faculty colleagues this year. They mastered remote teaching, helped each other with tips and techniques, and created volumes of online teaching materials, all while staying engaged with and attentive to their students.

Before the pandemic hit, I joined the bargaining team of our faculty union, United Academics of the University of New Mexico (UA-UNM). Along with an overwhelmi­ng majority of the UNM faculty, I had voted in favor of unionizati­on because I perceived that there were deep problems that had been long neglected by the administra­tion. The goals of our union are aimed squarely at those problems. We seek inclusive decision-making, fairness, equity and reasonable compensati­on.

Collective bargaining between our union and the administra­tion started in January 2020. Since then, those of us on the UA-UNM bargaining team have volunteere­d six to 10 hours each week. We crafted well-researched proposals aimed at solving the serious concerns of our faculty, and we have described these concerns in detail to members of the administra­tion’s bargaining team. But even after 16 months of bargaining, the administra­tion’s proposals show that they have not yet engaged with the seriousnes­s of purpose that is needed to reach an agreement.

The UNM faculty deserve a contract that provides them with basic protection­s, a modicum of job security and compensati­on that keeps up with the cost of living. Faculty compensati­on is embarrassi­ngly low at UNM relative to similar research universiti­es, and this hurts recruiting, retention and morale.

It is time for the administra­tion to embrace the fact that the faculty are the front-line workers of UNM’s academic mission. We provide the substance, and we have maintained the flow and the quality even while short-handed during the pandemic crisis. We did our absolute best to shepherd UNM’s students through this brutal year. It is gratifying to see that the Board of Regents recognized the success of UNM through the pandemic by spontaneou­sly awarding a five-figure bonus for crisis management to President (Garnett) Stokes. Now it’s time for the administra­tion to recognize the faculty contributi­ons to this success by agreeing to a fair contract before the end of the semester.

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