Albuquerque Journal

It’s as if Dems are trying to make sure Trump wins in ’24


WASHINGTON — The objective of the Democratru­n House Jan. 6 select committee is clear: to make sure Donald Trump is never elected president again. So why are Democrats doing everything in their power to ensure Trump wins ... in 2024?

They chose Joe Biden as their nominee precisely because he presented himself as an inoffensiv­e, genial moderate who was least likely to drive away swing voters wary of the Democrats’ leftward turn. But instead of governing as a centrist and uniter, as he promised, Biden has become captive to his party’s progressiv­e wing. His leftward lurch is providing no safe harbor for voters who don’t like Trump but also don’t like the left’s agenda . ...

Biden says today’s GOP “isn’t your grandfathe­r’s Republican Party.” Well, this isn’t your grandfathe­r’s Democratic Party, either. In just a few decades, we’ve gone from a Democratic president who promised “the era of big government is over” to a Democratic president who tried to enact the highest sustained levels of federal spending since World War II while collecting more tax revenue as a share of the economy than at almost any point in the past century. That’s not what Americans voted for in 2020.

One of Biden’s first acts as president was to pass a $1.9 trillion social spending bill disguised as COVID relief, which helped unleash the worst inflation in more than 40 years. Don’t take my word for it. Post contributi­ng columnist Lawrence H. Summers, who served as director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama, warned in February 2021 that Biden’s plan would “set off inflationa­ry pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.” And former Obama administra­tion Treasury official Steven Rattner recently explained Biden’s plan “overstimul­ated this economy” by “putting too much money in people’s pockets, which created a lot of this inflation.” ...

That’s not all. Biden’s war on fossil fuels helped drive gas prices to record highs, while putting America at risk of widespread power outages because his radical green policies mean we might not have enough power to get through the summer heat wave. His radical immigratio­n policies have helped unleash the worst border crisis in U.S. history. And the flood of illegal drugs surging across the southern border, together with Democratic soft-on-crime policies, helped fuel the worst crime wave in many cities since the 1990s. Never have Americans been confronted with so many failures of big government in so short a time.

... The problem is Biden’s failure to deliver on the central promise of his campaign, which was to restore normalcy, reach across the aisle, compromise and unite the country behind a moderate, bipartisan agenda. Americans voted for Biden expecting him to hew a centrist course, not to impose a radical progressiv­e agenda on the nation. Unless Democrats are ready to change those policies and move to the center, getting rid of Biden won’t make a difference.

But Democrats seem unwilling to do that. Instead, they are focusing on the events of Jan. 6, 2021, in an effort to re-toxify Trump for the electorate . ... The Democrat-run committee, by holding its first prime-time hearing on the Capitol riot last week, sent the American people a clear signal: Democrats consider this the single most important issue facing the country . ... Americans can be forgiven for asking: Why are these people rehashing Jan. 6 when I have to choose between filling my gas tank and feeding my family?

Because they want to remind voters how much they hate Trump. Sorry, that won’t be enough when every visit to the gas station and grocery store reminds them why they dislike Biden. If Democrats change their candidate without changing their policies, they are paving the way for the 45th president to become the 47th.

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