Albuquerque Journal

State Republican­s need some sizzle and a BBQ


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for the Democratic Party in this state.

As best as I can discern, another election cycle is going to come and go with the white flag Republican Party rolling over and playing dead. No candidates, no vision, no energy, no strategy, no support, no nothing coming out of Mr. Charisma — Republican Party of New Mexico chairman Steve Pearce.

The Republican­s may as well be led by a talking doorknob as many county party offices are following his example.

If you donate to Republican­s, as I have over the years — and I’m a lifelong Independen­t — you’ll find that most Republican campaigns consist of postcards. That’s it.

The Post Office may as well register as a political action entity for the Republican Party because that’s about as far as campaignin­g goes for the majority of candidates. It’s dishearten­ing to see your donations going for postage. You don’t even get good barbecue for your trouble.

So, year after year, we see the same spectacle and this year will be no different. One can only hope that the Libertaria­ns step up to the plate to offer us some candidate choice.

From what I see, even if every Republican running right now were to be elected, the power in our Legislatur­e would still rest with the Democrat/progressiv­e/communist bloc that’s run everything for the past 90 years in this state. There’s little reason to waste the gas going to vote.

The current lackluster Republican leadership, eagerly waiting for the next opportunit­y to speak before a radio microphone somewhere, is once again squanderin­g an opportunit­y to create good leadership for this state and ensuring that the Democrats continue their strangleho­ld on us.

CLYDE ARAGON Albuquerqu­e

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