Animation Magazine

Louise by the Shore


Films Distributi­on [France] | Loews 429 Screening: Thurs. Nov. 3 at 11:30 a.m. — Broadway Cineplex 4 Louise, an old woman, finds herself alone in a small seaside resort town on the last day of summer, after the last train leaves. Fragile and coquettish, not nearly as well-prepared as a would-be Robinson Crusoe, Louise isn’t likely to make it through the quickly approachin­g winter. Yet, Louise takes her abandonmen­t as a challenge, confrontin­g the elements as well as her memories. Directed by Jean-François Laguionie ( The Painting). Produced by JPL Films. Selected for Annecy, San Sebastian, Sitges. filmsdistr­

how to choose lottery numbers based on something sexual.” I was overheard doing some of my voices by a company called GTE ImagiTrek, and they asked me if I could do some voices from FernGully. I went up there and did a bunch of voices, then they told me, hey, the people downstairs are doing kids’ CD-ROMs, and I started actually writing and doing voices for inanimate objects, like Where’s Waldo- type games. And then I said, “Who else does this?”

Animag: What does your average work week look like?

Minella: My inbox controls my whole day. From the moment I get up and turn the computer on, it’s auditions. Sometimes, I’ll have to drive 150 miles to go work in another studio. And being that I work with worldwide clients, where there’s quite a time difference, there really is no sleep for me, I get about three hours of sleep per night.

Animag: How do you manage to operate on three hours of sleep?

Minella: (In zombie voice) I’m a zombie!

Animag: Having done this for so long on so many projects and having so many credits under your belt, is there something that still excites you about what you do?

Minella: Yes. I always look at something as a new challenge, that I’m so grateful to do something that is different. (Speaks in alien voice) I’ve had to make up songs without any music track as some alien nightclub singer. This is always such a neat thing that I can go out of the box. But you know what really is thrilling? If I ever get to see the outcome, the actual product with the voice in it. That is what gives me goosebumps. [ Martin Grebing is president of Funnybone Animation and can be reached via www. funnybonea­

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