Antelope Valley Press

Honoring a legend


It was sad to hear of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, age 87, and a 27 year member of the USSC. Why would I be sad?

Justice Ginsburg was a flaming liberal — I am Conservati­ve — almost all of her decisions were against my values. However, she is truely an American legend, one of the greatest justices of any era — yes she was. How can I say that? Because she always stood by her decisions, not back pedeling or saying later that she was unsure or wrong.

As a professing Christian, I do respect those in authority, including Ms. Ginsburg — yes, you liberals can say I called Mr. Obama a moron and other disses — but if you are honest, I always said he was my president, unlike all of you, who hate Mr. Trump.

I would hope the Socialcrat­s wold recall Ms. Ginsburg’s anger at what the idiot left tried to do to Justice Kavenaugh — and act like real American adults towards whosoever Mr. Trump may nominate to attempt to, not replace, I don’t think you replace a legend, sit on the Supreme Court, as a justice.

So, allow me to honor Justice Ginsburg, as a true American hero and should a statue or federal building or any other honor be given, that the idiot left, who desire mob rule, act as grown ups and not knock down or burn her memory — though short in height, she stood head and shoulders above all of the Supreme Court for 27 years!

Rest in peace, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — you dear justice, have surely earned it.

Skip Thacker Mojave

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