Antelope Valley Press

Homeless people and their beloved pets

- Hints from Heloise

Today’s Sound Off concerns the homeless and their pets: Dear Heloise: There are so many homeless people in this country, and many of them sleep on the streets and park benches in horrible weather conditions because they will not leave a cherished pet. Why are there so few shelters that will make accommodat­ions for pets? People die by freezing to death for lack of shelter for themselves and their animal companions.

The number of homeless people in America, one of the richest countries in the world, is growing. A pet brings them comfort and eases the loneliness of their situation.

You’ll see the same thing when there is a hurricane or tornado, when shelters will refuse a bed to someone because they have pets. Rather than leaving someone stranded and in danger, wouldn’t it be better to allow the homeless to bring their animals with them? Wouldn’t it be better to have a paid veterinari­an on hand to help with any sick or unvaccinat­ed pets than have an animal control officer chase down a stray animal? The homeless tend to pick up strays and care for them but may lack the funds to vaccinate them.

Every city can and should do this. Homeless people are seldom homeless by choice, so maybe it’s time to look inward to our own problems that need taking care of first before we offer aid to others.

— Stella Y., Cleveland, Ohio

Fast facts

New uses for a crochet hook:

• To pull hair and gunk from a bathroom sink.

•Pull torn threads of garments to the inside for mending.

•Pull up a zipper on the back of a garment.

— Heloise

Tree sap

Dear Heloise: I have tree sap on my sweater. How can I remove it?

— Sherrie W., Alpena, Michigan

Sherrie, tree sap is mostly sugar, so you’ll need to soak it. Soak the garment, or just the spot, in warm water. This will take time, so please be patient. After it’s soaked for a while, rub the spot between your fingers to loosen up any remaining sap, rinse and soak some more. After the sap is removed, rub the area with a little detergent and wash as usual.

— Heloise

Bed basket

Dear Heloise: Every night before I sleep, I like to read for an hour or so because it relaxes me. However,

it seemed as though I was up and down to get reading glasses, a bottle of water, a pen or something else. Finally I got wise and made up what I call a “bed basket.” I get my little basket with a handle and go around the house to gather up what I need, such as water, a book, glasses, etc. Now I can relax in bed, and when I get tired, just turn off the light and go to sleep.

— Kelly D., Hamilton, Ohio Kelly, what a great idea. So many times people watch TV or their computer before going to bed, but taking a short while to unwind and relax away from the blue light helps people get a better night’s rest.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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