Antelope Valley Press

Only Republican­s tell the ‘truth’


This opinion article is to all the independen­ts and moderate democrats who read Mr. Brax opinion on March 31, where he stated “You can’t be a republican unless you are a racist, and think migrant children belong in cages” and several other ridiculous comments.

Mr. Brax often talks of socialism, but his comment is exactly why socialism won’t work. You can’t have a one class society where everyone contribute­s to the whole when you intimidate half the population.

Regarding his comments on migrant children in cages, the day his article was posted the news media had access to a facility in Texas where there were 4,100 children in a facility approved for 250, and by the way, no parents, courtesy of Joe Biden. President Trump from the beginning said if you enter illegally you will be detained separated from your children because you committed a crime and your children didn’t, and they came anyway.

Joe Biden said any child who comes across the border we will do the humane thing, but he didn’t tell the parents we’re going to put your kids in a cage that is 1,600% overcapaci­ty built by president Obama and leave them for weeks.

Anyone who regularly reads the opinion page will note that conservati­ve authors state facts and do not insult half the population. Liberals such as Mr. Brax have no facts and figure if they make enough insults it will stick.

I encourage Mr. Brax to continue writing baseless opinions as it will guarantee a Republican takeover of congress in 2022.

Mike DeBry Palmdale

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