Antelope Valley Press



Not one, but three

We now have three presidents, President Obama, Vice President Harris and President Biden. Alicia Avila Lancaster

Defending Atlanta

So, Major League Baseball has decided to butt its nose into another political issue: Voter ID laws.

Because Georgia passed a Voter ID law, MLB has taken away the 2021 MLB All-Star game from Atlanta, a great city, that is known, by many, as “The Black Wall Street,” due to a large number of Black owned, Black run businesses, headquarte­red there. Oh, and Atlanta is more than 70% Black.

MLB: The very people you think you are “helping” by removing the big money maker, All-Star game, you are actually hurting, with a loss of income, job opportunit­ies, etc.

Unless you are an illegal law breaker, you don’t need ID to do anything “normal” but I have to show, prove I am born in America to get a passport, citizenshi­p, show ID to open a checking account, apply for a job, rent/buy a car, buy booze, get married, buy property, house, boat, fly, cruise, take a bus or train, see a family member on a military base and several thousand other things — no ID = no doing what I need/want.

Most folk of color already have the ID. Most almost always fail to have it on them. So what’s the big deal about showing an ID to vote?

Stop with “it’s racist.” It is only racist who use this excuse. Yes it is.

So, MLB, you’ve already put many thousands out of work by your greed, and doing away with 40 minor league teams. Don’t be so stupid as to do this to Atlanta.

Skip Thacker Mojave

Never gave a hoot

Things are picking up. The U.S. economy increased by over 900,000 jobs in March and the unemployme­nt rate fell to 6%.

In February, 400,000 new jobs were created. In the two months Joe Biden has been president, the nation’s jobs have increased by more than 1.3 million. An economist stated that “fear is subsiding and American households are sitting on a lot of money.” She failed to mention Donald Trump is in Florida and not in Washington, D.C.

California added 141,000 jobs in February as more than a quarter of a million people returned to the workforce. The state had lost 150,000 jobs in December and January when our governor, Gavin Newsom, ordered a lockdown amid significan­t jumps in COVID cases, hospitaliz­ations, and deaths. He was forced to do this because far too many people ignored wearing masks, social distancing and using common sense. Thankfully, California regained 91% of those jobs in a single month.

While many California­ns found jobs in the past year, it is important to point out that Black unemployme­nt remained twice as high as did white unemployme­nt. Just another problem that Trump never gave a hoot about.

Ralph S. Brax Lancaster

Faulty ATM

Iwent to U.S. bank on Valley Central Way in Lancaster early this morning at like 1:10 a.m. to try to withdraw the money that I had on my EBT card, I got all the way through with the transactio­n and press get cash and then a screen popped up saying sorry we cannot do this transactio­n at this time.

So I figured okay, well I’ll go try a different ATM, then I checked my account on EBT fresh and it says that it had taken the money out of my account I only had $2 in my account.

I went to U.S. bank today and told them about the problem and they said that other people have been having the same problem and that the only thing I could do was called EBT and file a claim for the money, which is going to take it says up to 25 days to get the money.

The whole reason I get this money from EBT is because I’m struggling and I need the money and I really can’t afford to wait 25 days. I need it to survive and this is clearly their mistake, their ATM malfunctio­ned and I’m the one paying the consequenc­es, it’s not right, basically I feel like they stole my money and they’re just getting away with it, they don’t have to do anything to try to fix the situation.

I think the public should be warned about using the ATM.

Tamara Sullivan Lancaster

Taking advantage

It appears that the teacher’s unions have learned from the current politician­s. Never let a crisis pass without taking advantage of it. But, wait. To take advantage is always at the disadvanta­ge of others. Us and our children.

Jim Brock Palmdale

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