Antelope Valley Press

Agree to disagree


Robyn Young wrote a response to my recent letter. Let me help Robyn try to understand better.

“We simply believe a woman should have the right to choose.” This is a not so clever way to say you believe its ok to kill babies as long as it’s the woman’s choice. Isn’t the end result the same?

“We do not support abhorrent behavior.” Period. Oh, but you do. Period. You support it in your response to me. Killing babies is an example of abhorrent behavior.

You got the doctor and the cook so mixed up. Let me try again, you see, doctors have invested a lot of time and money to achieve their goals and have a very high risk associated with their profession. The cook just needs to have a pulse and show up to work. The doctor does and should get paid more.

“Peaceful protestors did not loot, pillage and burn businesses.” No, Democrat activist groups did. Your Vice President Kamala Harris went as far as to Tweet support for a bail fund to help get these people out of jail. Many went right back out to the streets and burned down more businesses. Another example of supporting abhorrent behavior.

The “struggle with gender identity” has an actual clinical diagnosis. The diagnostic label gender identity disorder was used until 2013.

The condition was renamed to remove the stigma associated with the term disorder. It is still a disorder we just have a feelgood name for it now.

I agree that a person with this disorder deserves support and compassion but in the form therapy or other medical solutions to help them with a mental health problem.

You cannot force the rest of the world to accept a mental illness as the new normal.

Jack O’Connor Palmdale

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