Antelope Valley Press

Convince him


In response to Sue Brax. She says no amount of logic can convince the Unvaccinat­ed “idiots” to get vaccinated. Why don’t you use magic? The same magic we healthy uninfected, unvaccinat­ed use to infect those of you that have been vaccinated and can’t get infected.

You state: “Facts are irrelevant. So, I have concluded, and everyone I have talked to concurs, let them die.” Isn’t the next logical step to just kill them? Just think of how many lives you can save by killing all the unvaccinat­ed!

Here’s some logic for you. In your own words you mentioned 600 dead people that were all vaccinated. If they were vaccinated how did an unvaccinat­ed person kill them? This is why “There is no rational argument one can present to convince these people of their folly.”

Your argument is completely irrational with no science to support it and defies logic. It would be interestin­g to know how many of the 600 deaths you mentioned died from the vaccine itself, you failed to mention that.

Government data revealed that in September, 70% of COVID-19 deaths both in Sweden and the UK were “fully vaccinated” individual­s.

Here are the new VAERS numbers as of 10/15/21: 818,042 Adverse Events, 127,641 Doctor Visits, 83,412 Hospitaliz­ations, 92,017 Urgent Care, 26,199 Disabled, 10,179 Bell’s Palsy, 10,304 Myocarditi­s, 8,408 Heart Attacks, 2,631 Miscarriag­es, 17,128 Deaths

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (https:// indicate some 50,000 deaths within 2 weeks of getting the jab. 100% Safe and effective?

So, convince me, explain why I should get a shot that does not prevent me from getting Covid, giving Covid to others or dying of Covid but has real and deadly side effects. There is no long-term data or studies. You are the study! Good luck.

Jack O’Connor


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