Antelope Valley Press

For the record


Biden gave a speech an he gave three reasons for our historic inflation is Putin, Putin, and Putin. Economists disagree, however, and they all say the inflation was high since his election.

Biden’s war on the fossil fuel industry is the reason for our high gas prices. (Just more than two years ago, I purchased gas in Yuma, AZ., for $1.75/ gal.}

His first activity as president was to hamstring the oil industry which in turn raised prices. And his political statements on the subject have been all spin and lies bever since. Also his feeble attempt to lower prices by releasing our oil strategic reserves, did no good and put us a risk if we have to fight a war.

His policies have put many in jeopardy. A neighbor has to commute to Van Nuys and it costs him more to drive it than he makes at his job. Food prices are through the roof because of increases in everything farmers and food processors use, fuel, fertilizer and chemicals.

So, being the reputable citizen that I think i am, I listen to what he has to say. But there is nothing there. In a recent speech, he said, “You can sum up our country in a single word,”(then he forgot the word). He blames many of the country’s problems on Trump or anyone else he can thing of but not himself.

Mr Biden’s history the last 40 years was as a minor politician. Pure and simple he knows nothing else. Talking points, lame attempts a humor, and lies make up everything he says. He can’t justify anything he or his party have done.

Finely, the record will show that in his early political years he stated that he would have voted right along with the Supreme Court on Roe v Wade. Jim Gardner


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