Antelope Valley Press

Bike lanes aren’t the answer


Well the powers that be in the City of Lancaster are at it again. They want to reduce speed limits and traffic lanes for non-existence bicycle riders.

I may see one a week, and they are usually on the sidewalk, on our city streets and that one justified all the miles of bicycle lanes in this town.

I have sat through the traffic light at 20th St. West and Lancaster Blvd 2 or three times before I got through. That Traffic Circle at 15th & Lancaster Blvd is a joke. Drivers don’t know how to merge and come to a complete stop which backs traffic almost to 20th St, West.

A problem the Traffic Circle was supposed to alleviate. Lancaster Blvd. between 25th West and 10th West is usually a parking lot with cars backed up waiting their turn to pass through the traffic circle and traffic lights.

The City keeps harping about global warming from all the vehicles on the street but their road diets are making traffic worse. Cars idling waiting to get through these intersecti­ons with the all important bike lanes that are never used.

West Lancaster Blvd. & West Ave J-8 are the worst by far. Nobody is going to ride a bike in 100 degree plus weather. This town is not bike friendly.

I don’t see anyone at City Hall riding a bike to work. Do you? All the money spent on these bike lanes that are never used have slowed traffic down and created a huge traffic mess at many intersecti­ons in town.

The money could have been better spent elsewhere. Bike lanes are not the answer to traffic, they are the cause. Harriet Lee


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