Antelope Valley Press

Montana tribe sues US agency over policing and jail space


BILLINGS, Mont. — A southeaste­rn Montana tribe has filed a federal lawsuit against the Interior Department and its Bureau of Indian Affairs, saying the US is not complying with its treaty obligation to provide adequate law enforcemen­t services on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservatio­n.

The lawsuit filed, Tuesday, in Billings argues the federal government does not provide enough federal law enforcemen­t officers, drug investigat­ors, missing persons investigat­ors or jail space even though violent crime has increased on the reservatio­n, The Billings Gazette reported.

“Public safety on-reservatio­n is severely compromise­d due to the lack of meaningful BIA law enforcemen­t presence in our communitie­s,” Northern Cheyenne Tribe President Serena Wetherelt said in a statement.

She added: “Officers often respond to 911 calls too late and even when they do show up, they frequently fail to make reports, secure crime scenes, or arrest people who are actively committing crimes.”

The officers also lack of understand­ing of tribal and federal law, which leads to suspects not being charged or prosecuted, the lawsuit said.

Reports of violent crime on the reservatio­n increased 50% from 2019 to 2020 and does not include crimes that went unreported, the lawsuit said.

The Interior Department declined, Friday, to comment about the lawsuit, spokespers­on Tyler Cherry said.

The tribal government has asked for help since at least 2018 and on its own hired two former BIA officers and a former BIA correction­s officer to create a tribal investigat­ions agency, The tribe is seeking at least $1 million in restitutio­n for the money spent on those officers, the lawsuit said.

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