Antelope Valley Press

Opposites in relationsh­ip can complement or clash

- Annie Lane

Dear Annie: I wanted to offer a little encouragem­ent to “Opposites” about his relationsh­ip. You were correct in saying that sometimes relationsh­ips between opposite personalit­y types can be the best. I’ve been in one for 28 years.

My husband and I were definite opposites when we were married. I’m an extroverte­d introvert, and he was definitely an extrovert, though he’s developed some introvert traits over the years. We also had vastly differing tastes in music, movies and much more. But rather than letting ourselves be limited by what we saw as difference­s, we used them to help each other grow.

He’s seen concerts, musicals, plays and movies he never would have seen if I hadn’t been in his life, and I’ve grown to enjoy his musical tastes and most of the television shows and movies he enjoys.

None of us (thankfully) stays the same person throughout our lives. We grow and change as time passes, and his club and party-loving girlfriend of today may change a lot over the years, as he likely will as well. If they communicat­e well and focus on building a solid foundation for their relationsh­ip, those difference­s will seemingly disappear.

— Opposites Attract for a Reason

Dear Opposites: Thank you for your letter. It demonstrat­es that compromise is one of the most important qualities of a happy relationsh­ip. You and your husband developed the ability to see things from the other’s perspectiv­e, and you were both willing to try new things.

Below is a letter from someone whose marriage to an “opposite” did not work out.

Dear Annie: Your advice to “Opposites,” who worries about his relationsh­ip with his extroverte­d girlfriend, was too rosy. These relationsh­ips are very difficult, and he is wise to look long-term.

Based on my long marriage (which ended in divorce after 26 years) to an introvert, I’d tell him not to do this to her or to himself. My husband hated going to movies, dinners, weddings, concerts, community events — you name it. He was bored at my dinner parties, disliked and shunned my friends, and eventually quit interactin­g with people who stopped by for a visit. I ended up either alone with him at home or doing everything by myself. My spirit was completely destroyed.

In my experience, the extrovert does most of the compromisi­ng, and as people grow older and set in their ways, introverts just stop trying. They cannot have fun at parties or events that involve social interactio­n, so the extrovert and the introvert are miserable. Typically, she’s chronicall­y worried about his “discomfort” around other people. Too often, the extrovert ends up going it alone.

His keeping her isolated from the things she loves can be cruel. Her trying to get him to be around other people can also be cruel. These relationsh­ips are best terminated early, before both sides waste valuable time and just give up.

— Won’t Do That Again Dear Won’t Do That Again: I’m sorry that you had such a bad experience. It sounds like your ex-husband was extremely rigid. No compromise, no communicat­ion and no attempt to understand how you were feeling. Flexibilit­y and empathy for each other are two of the most important qualities found in a lasting marriage.

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