Antelope Valley Press

Another lie


see the GOP has another 3-ring circus ringmaster named Kevin McCarthy. In a press conference in El Paso, Texas, McCarthy called on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign over management of the U.S. southern border with Mexico, warning that the new House GOP majority will open investigat­ions that could lead to impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is vowing to secure the border. However, what the GOP does not realize is the real crisis at the border is a humanitari­an crisis, not a security threat.

With most arrivals coming from two countries Guatemala and Honduras rather than Mexican nationals. Regarding Homeland Secretary Mayorkas, McCarthy, said; “His actions have produced the greatest wave of illegal immigratio­n in recorded history. Our country may never recover from Secretary Mayorkas’s derelictio­n of duty.”

My question is what about the GOPs derelictio­n of duty failing to work with Democrats on a solution to the southern border, other than building a wall?

Walls are irrelevant along the Rio Grande, there is always U.S. soil on which they can stand between the riverbank and any fencing.

In the desert, people climb over or dig tunnels under fencing, and then wait for the Border Patrol.

Maybe McCarthy, will follow Trumpy Dumpty and continue building a wall, along with getting Mexico to pay for it. Afterall, the previous administra­tion’s unsuccessf­ul deterrence was a band-aid.

Most of Trump’s wall was replacemen­t for existing dilapidate­d or inadequate fencing, despite earlier plans to build new barriers where none existed before. Only 40 miles of new wall was constructe­d. And guess what? Mexico did not pay one red cent for it.

However, with funds left over from the previous administra­tion, about 438 miles of existing fencing was repaired or replaced.

Trumpty Dumpty claim the wall is finished is another lie.

George Jung

Antelope Acres

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