Antelope Valley Press

Never wrong


Guy Marsh states in his letter from 1/25 of how he knows that the Founders would have opposed roadblocks that “it’s a virtual certainty” and yet both the California and US Supreme courts have ruled them legal.

When the Founders created the 4th Amendment I think it’s a virtual certainty that DUI checkpoint­s weren’t on their minds. Preserving public safety and deterring drunk driving is a far cry from a “police state”.

I did not ignore your Ben Franklin quote, I don’t equate a brief stop for a DUI checkpoint and all it’s benefits as “surrenderi­ng essential Liberty’. It’s a minor inconvenie­nce if I’m not impaired while driving.

Why are you opposed to preventing even one fatal accident at the expense of this minor inconvenie­nce?

Marsh’s dismissive condemnati­on of Dr. Manning has nothing to do with this topic. It seems as if his highly critical response to your original letter has brought about some rationaliz­ation that has no bearing on the topic. Obfuscatin­g his response with irrelevant comments doesn’t work.

Because I choose not to respond to some of the letters here and ignore the ridiculous demands for you “and other leftist writers leave the country” it is “revealing”?

With your weekly letters to this paper have you ever sent a letter in which you stated that you were wrong? I highly doubt it but I could be wrong.

Even in this case your original letter printed on Dec. 7 stated “unconstitu­tional ...... DUI roadblocks” which was pointed out to you as not being true, yet you never acknowledg­ed that to my recollecti­on. That is my best example.

Steve Lockhart


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