Antelope Valley Press

Correcting a few ‘crazy’ quotes


Which ultra-right winged conservati­ve fascist Republican writes the craziest letters to the Antelope Valley Press? A few quotes:

“Hispanics have some real nasty treacherou­s gangs with thousands more added, thanks to [President Joe] Biden and his open border policy.”

I agree we have Hispanic gangs. However, we do not have an open-border policy. Biden inherited an immigratio­n system in tatters. Donald Trump cut off legal pathways to citizenshi­p, leaving wouldbe migrants with fewer lawful methods of entering the country. Trump cut funding to Central American countries and splurged on an ineffectiv­e, costly wall.

“We can’t even talk about Hillary Clinton and her unsecured sever in her bathroom with tons of classified documents on it.”

The server was not in Hillary’s bathroom. It was in the offices of Platte River Networks bathroom, in Denver. James Comey said, “Clinton should have known that some of her emails were classified.” In addition, Bradley Moss, a Washington-based lawyer who works on national security cases, said, “The cases of Clinton and Trump are significan­tly different.”

The FBI said, “They were reasonably confident that there was no intentiona­l misconduct by Hillary, whereas Trump took properly marked hard copy classified documents from the White House, shipped them to Florida and stored them in an unsecured location at his residence.”

According to the indictment, “Trump was not authorized to possess or retain those classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s residence and social club. “Mara-Lago was not an authorized location” to keep, display or discuss classified documents.”

“The president can put his documents wherever he wants and return them however he wants. That’s the law.”

I say tell that to the Department of Justice.

“Despite what the climate nazis have said, the sky has not fallen. Just remember that Florida is still above the water.”



1950. sea levels around are up 8 inches from

George Jung Antelope Acres

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