Antelope Valley Press



Something that had to be done

Wow. Tuesday’s Antelope Valley Press editorial section had three writers all on the same day who write nothing but what I consider trash. So I bunched up the paper and threw it in the fireplace where it belonged.

Dana Hessler Lancaster

Serious war crimes by Hamas

Jake Pickering states that “the Gaza Strip is the largest concentrat­ion camp ever built.”

If it was a concentrat­ion camp, it would be the first one with rocket manufactur­ing factories and personnel to launch them — lately close to 10,000 — at Israel. It would also be the first concentrat­ion camp that had a multibilli­on tunnel complex to hide its fighters and store weapons such as anti-tank missiles.

Where were the jailors when all this took place?

In 2005, Israel evacuated Gaza dismantlin­g 21 settlement­s, even moved the cemeteries. Since then, there hasn’t been a single Israeli on Gaza land. Israel even left behind a functionin­g greenhouse complex that it hoped Gaza farmers would use to kick start an agricultur­al business. The Arabs trashed the greenhouse­s for scrap.

There are serious war crimes, but the most serious of all is Hamas using civilians as human shields. Sacrificin­g their own people to keep themselves safe should concern everybody.

Larry Shapiro Calgary

Christiani­ty and immorality

Recently, there was a Veteran’s Day ceremony at Westpark Elementary School where “… the AV Mobile Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall was on display for six days.” (“Westpark Elementary Ceremony Includes Mobile Vietnam Wall,” Nov. 14.)

Thanks also to the Southern Kern Unified School District,

Rosamond Municipal Advisory Council and Rosamond Chamber Of Commerce for hosting the AV Memorial. Julie Drake wrote about guest speaker Gerry Rice, who served in the US Army in Vietnam. Mr. Rice spoke about how his marriage and his family being affected upon his return.

Possibly there were no programs available to help with post-traumatic stress disorder. Mr. Rice credited his wife for him going to the Mobile Vietnam Memorial in 2002. Mr. Rice had an “awakening:” “What I found [is] people that understood me,” Rice said. “I found people that accepted me. I found people that embraced me and could finish my sentences. It was remarkable. I couldn’t get enough of it. The wall brought me there and these gentlemen taught me what it was to live better with what I’ve been through, and it changed my whole life.”

I don’t recall any letters written by conservati­ves helping anybody. Thacker criticizes my previous letters about racism but brings up his experience with racism as a white male. His viewpoint did not exist over 30 years ago. White people that wrote letters expressed how society has declined due to illegal immigrants. Back in 1994, Propositio­n 187 was passed by California that affected illegal immigrants.

Mr. Rice thrived and “… was instrument­al in supporting the founding of the Vets4Veter­ans and serves as president of the nonprofit organizati­on. … What I learned from Mike and George and Larry is that helping others is where you find healing for yourself.”

In over 30 years of writing to this newspaper, not one conservati­ve has acknowledg­ed the immorality of racism while claiming to be Christians. Mr. Rice exhibited Christiani­ty by addressing/helping others in need. Thacker attends African American churches but writes a letter only of his experience as a white male and has not written nothing about his interactio­ns with African Americans. If he did this, he would address racism.

Isn’t Guy Marsh an atheist who has not attended one church but writes about racism and other immoraliti­es? Christiani­ty addresses immorality. Would like Thacker, Rios, and Smith to address that. What I’ve done as a Christian will be in future letters.

Vincent White


Holidays are still a blast in the AV

As I write this, it’s Thanksgivi­ng again, and you know what that means. More explosions. What, did you think I was going to say turkey?

Remember, in the nightmare that is the AV, every holiday is explosion day. That, and every other day of the entire year.

I know I sound like a broken record, and I’m sure many of you are sick of hearing from me about illegal fireworks, but when you’ve suffered from chronic, prolonged sleep deprivatio­n and anxiety for years to the point where you literally cannot function, nothing else matters. When you’re practicall­y bedridden for days at a time from exhaustion and incapacita­ting headaches due to being terrorized by explosions night after night, the rest of world’s problems seem infinitely far away.

I know there are bigger and worse problems in the world, and right here in own community, but does that mean that we don’t deserve to sleep? I’ve been routinely criticized for complainin­g about fireworks from people saying that others in the world have it so much worse. I know others have it worse, but does that mean I should be forbidden from asking my neighbors for compassion until Israel and Palestine are united in everlastin­g peace?

I’m not asking much. I just need the explosions to stop. Please help this community. Please report everything you can to the new Lancaster police department as soon as it’s up and running. The new police force is the first real hope we’ve ever had.

Matthew Sobol


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