Antelope Valley Press

Can Trump haters advocate Biden?


Stop hassling Donald Trump. There are days in which the Trump haters fill the opinion page of this newspaper with nothing but anti-Trump tripe. It is very hard to appreciate the pressure he must be living under with all these people out to get him. A lesser man probably couldn’t or wouldn’t take it. I dare the Trump haters to attempt to say something good about their man, President Joe Biden? My guess is they can’t.

I get it that the Trump haters don’t like him, but I don’t get the false accusation­s. I don’t understand the vicious language. I don’t understand the unending criticism.

In several areas of life things were better when Trump was president. A border under control, inflation contained, and gasoline costs reasonable to name a few.

The crackpots and totally unqualifie­d people Biden has nominated for offices are alarming. His decisions and action are nothing more than pandering to subgroups in his party. And yes, I think many of the critics are afraid Trump will beat Biden, so they compensate by incessantl­y badmouthin­g him.

And in the general election we also will elect a vice president and Trump has masterfull­y indicated a great choice for his vice president, Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat congresswo­man and reserve naval officer from Hawaii. She will make a more than qualified vice president. She is smart and well-spoken.

In the run-up to the general election, things are going to get testy. As reasonable voters, we need to keep things in perspectiv­e. The new president is going to have to deal with some very weighty issues: Gaza war, Ukraine War, North Korea and, at home, drugs, violence and the border. We’ve got to support our president and negotiator­s. And I think if elected, Biden will not make it as a full two-term president. And do we want Kamala negotiatin­g with Putin, Kim Jong Un or the terrorists?

Jim Gardner


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