Antelope Valley Press

Republican­s not to blame for this


W hen the border patrol released thousands of illegal immigrants in San Diego this week, Governor Nonsense started blaming the Republican­s. Like they opened the gates, right?

So the old fool in the White House is putting 500 sanctions on Russia for arresting a woman. Why didn’t he do this when they invaded Ukraine?

The New York state appeals court struck down a New York city law that would allow noncitzens to vote in local elections. Something silly like the state constituti­on says “every citizen shall be entitled to vote”. Still don’t believe that there are 81 million stupid people in the US.

So one of our liberal socialist progressiv­e left-wing Democrats says that a survey by a bunch of “scholars” says President Donald Trump was last in a survey. Gee, no bias by a bunch of liberal progressiv­e left-wing socialist activist “scholars,” ya think?

Six senators are leaving — five Democrats and one Republican. Forty-three House members are leaving 4 Republican­s and 9 democrats are running for the senate. One republican and one democrat are running for their state attorneys general. One Democrat and one Republican are running for governor. Eleven Democrats and 14 Republican­s are retiring.

While some of our liberal socialist progressiv­e left-wing Democrats are fondling their 401ks and stock portfolios, the average citizen is struggling to buy food,housing.

“Good Morning America” is reporting that New York Mayor Eric Adam’s wants to get rid of New York’s sanctuary city status.

The old fool in the White House says he gave Congress a border control bill his first day in office. Weren’t the liberal progressiv­e left-wing socialist Democrats in control of both houses and they wouldn’t pass it? So that’s the Republican­s fault?

Steve Brewer Rosamond

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