Antelope Valley Press

We didn’t want this rematch


Well, it looks like we are going to have a rematch of the 2020 election for president. No one seems to be thrilled about the rematch of two rapidly aging senior citizens. But we need to keep in mind that one candidate is a wannabe dictator and has put America on notice. Believe me when I tell you a second term with him at the helm would be even more disruptive and turbulent than his first.

Here you have someone who has deepened the nation’s estrangeme­nt by successful­ly convincing millions of voters of the lie that the 2020 election was stolen, and President Joe Biden’s win was illegitima­te. The man loves to portray the US as a dystopian, failed state overwhelme­d by lawlessnes­s, urban blight and slipping toward World War III. In addition, he’s promising to flush out his enemies and vowing revenge on his political foes. He’s posing as a strongman while protecting his own personal and political interests. Listen and pay close attention to his speeches.

This man is running on the most extreme platform in modern history. He has called for the terminatio­n of the Constituti­on. He wants the Supreme Court to grant unchecked power to the presidency, which he plans to use in a personal quest for retributio­n against his enemies. He wants to gut the civil service and fill these positions with his political operatives. Mark my words, he could transform the Justice Department from a quasi-independen­t arbiter of the rule of law and into his own personal political enforcemen­t machine.

This maniac will try to pull us out of NATO and side with dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. After all, he said at one of his rallies he would tell Russia “to do whatever the Hell they want.” He wouldn’t protect a NATO nation that didn’t contribute enough defense funds. He has said “you didn’t pay, you’re delinquent, and no, I would not protect you.”

The other candidate running for office has responded to these comments saying, “Encouragin­g invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged.”

This loon said, “undocument­ed immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country.” He has called these people “vermin.” This Nutcase is escalating his immigratio­n rhetoric with baseless claims about immigrants trying to overthrow the US.

Talk about a difference from President Ronald Reagan, who said, “Our nation is a nation of immigrants.” George Jung Antelope Acres

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