Antelope Valley Press

Our history and God’s history


There are two kinds of history, one from man’s perspectiv­e and the other God’s.

Our perspectiv­e is extremely narrow. It tends to be centered around what we see happening around us now. Sometimes we bring up the past to help us understand the present, but because the past has hidden circumstan­ces and purposes, it doesn’t always give us clear understand­ing. Also, man’s recounting of history is often distorted. Mexico’s recounting of war between the USA and Mexico is probably quite different from USA perspectiv­e.

God’s perspectiv­e is perfect. He doesn’t speculate. He knows all the details, thoughts and reasons, even before they happen. Just try hiding your history from Him!

The tiny nation of Israel has been in the news a lot lately, because of its war with Hamas, and the nations surroundin­g them. Israel’s physical size is very close to that of New Jersey, the fifth-smallest state, and yet it remains standing even though being surrounded by nations that want it annihilate­d.

The people of Israel are just like people in every other nation on Earth. They have the same wants, the same needs, the same emotions and the same faults. The only thing that makes them different is that God chose them. He didn’t choose them because they were superior, but he chose them to be the nation that brought God’s truth to the world. They brought this truth in written and physical form, and it’s been made available to whoever wants to know it.

Why is there so much hate for Israel? Simply put, God chose them. As far as people go, they are no different than you, imperfect to the core. Spank them if you like, with your words and attitudes, but realize their biological father won’t appreciate you disciplini­ng his children, any more that you would like others disciplini­ng your children. He has a long history of disciplini­ng these who need it, including Israel. He doesn’t take kindly to those who over step their boundaries; history bears this out.

We all have our opinions on who is right and who is wrong. We see in part, hear in part, and know in part. Once you accept this, you won’t be so fast in passing judgment.

James Chandler Lancaster

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