Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

U.N. envoy exits Syria; no accord

Military keeps up onslaught


BEIRUT — An internatio­nal push to end Syria’s conflict stalled Sunday as U.N. envoy Kofi Annan left Damascus without a ceasefire, and President Bashar Assad’s forces pounded opposition areas and clashed with rebels throughout the country.

Western and Arab powers are struggling for ways to stem the bloodshed in the year-old conflict while both the regime and the opposition reject dialogue. Annan, a former U.N. secretary-general, appeared to make little progress during two visits with Assad during his first trip to Syria as the joint U.N.Arab League envoy.

Annan was seeking an immediate cease-fire to allow for humanitari­an aid and the start of a dialogue between all parties on a political solution. After meeting with Assad on Sunday, Annan said he had presented steps to ease the crisis, but gave no details.

“Once it’s agreed, it will help launch the process and help end the crisis on the ground,” he told reporters. He called for “reforms that will create a strong foundation for a democratic Syria — a peaceful, stable, pluralisti­c and prosperous society,

based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.”

But a cease-fire must come first, he said.

“You have to start by stopping the killing and the misery and the abuse that is going on today and then give time for a political settlement.”

In a statement released by his office after the meeting, Annan said he left several proposals with Syrian officials. Annan, who is from Ghana, said he asked Assad to engage with the new realities of a changed country, citing an African proverb: “You cannot turn the wind, so turn the sail.”

A diplomat close to the talks said “the ball is in Assad’s court,” adding that Annan would also try to persuade the fractured Syrian opposition to form a more united front. Annan flew to Qatar on Sunday for talks with that country’s emir, a leading critic of the Syrian government who has called for arming the rebels.

Assad told Annan on Sunday that a political solution is impossible as long as “terrorist groups” threaten the country, according to Syria’s state news service — which reported identical comments after the men met Saturday. The regime blames the uprising on armed groups acting out a foreign conspiracy.

Bassma Kodmani, a member of the Syrian National Council, the leading alliance of opposition groups, told the BBC from Istanbul that Assad “stepping down is a first condition of any discussion, any negotiatio­n.”

Annan’s calls for change also fall far short of opposition calls for Assad’s ouster and the end of his authoritar­ian regime. Opposition leaders say the thousands killed at the hands of his security forces, many while protesting peacefully, mean they’ll accept nothing less.

Annan acknowledg­ed his hard task.

“It’s going to be difficult, but we have to have hope,” he said before leaving for Qatar.

Annan’s discussion with Assad “focused on the core objectives of this process, the immediate stop to the violence and killing, access for humanitari­an agencies and the start of a political dialogue,” Annan said. “The realistic response is to embrace change and reforms.”

Arab League officials are hoping that a peace plan agreed to on Saturday between Arab foreign ministers and Russia could pave the way for a Security Council resolution on Syria. In the proposal, Arab League members dropped their demand that Assad step down and said there should be no “foreign interferen­ce” in the conflict, meeting some of the demands of Russia and China, which have vetoed previous resolution­s.

The League’s secretary general, Nabil al-araby, is scheduled to meet with a Chinese official next week, his office said.

The conflict has become increasing­ly bloody during the year since protesters in some impoverish­ed provinces first took to the streets to call for political reform. The government has cracked down hard, and protests have spread, with some in the opposition taking up arms to attack government troops and defend their towns and neighborho­ods.

The U.N. says more than 7,500 people have been killed. Assad’s regime and military have remained largely intact while the opposition, though disorganiz­ed, shows no sign of relenting on its demands. Few expect a swift resolution.

Government troops shelled areas in and around the northern city of Idlib, activists said, part of a campaign launched Saturday to crush the opposition in its stronghold along the border with Turkey. In some areas they clashed with local rebels fighting under the banner of the loose-knit Free Syrian Army.

The British-based Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights, which relies on a network of activists around Syria, said 16 civilians had been killed in attacks by Syrian forces or in clashes with local rebels in Idlib province. More than five government soldiers were also killed.

An AP photograph­er in Turkish border villages heard constant artillery pounding, and Turkish residents said they saw Syrian refugees crossing during lulls.

The renewed violence has sent about 1,000 Syrians across the border in the past week, as many as fled during the previous month, a Turkish official said.

Turkey now hosts about 12,500 Syrians, some of the more than 100,000 refugees who have fled to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

Many fear the offensive in Idlib could end up like the regime’s campaign against the rebel-held neighborho­od of Baba Amr in the central city of Homs. Troops besieged and shelled Baba Amr for almost a month before capturing it on March 1.

Activists say hundreds were killed, and a U.N. official who visited the area last week said she was “horrified” by the destructio­n in the nearly deserted district.

Activists said Syrian forces targeted other Homs neighborho­ods on Sunday with shells and rocket-propelled grenades.

“There is very heavy destructio­n. Cars are burning and smoke is rising from the area,” said an activist from Homs who goes by the name Abu Bakr Saleh. “They are trying to punish all districts of Homs where anti-government protests still take place.”

Other activists said government forces shelled a bridge on a road to the Lebanese border often used by families who are fleeing violence. It was unclear whether the bridge was destroyed.

The Observator­y said 25 civilians had been killed in military attacks and clashes between army and rebel forces across Syria on Sunday. Another group, the Local Coordinati­on Committee, said 32 were killed.

The death tolls could not be independen­tly verified. The Syrian government rarely comments on specific incidents and bars most media from operating inside the country.

Also Sunday, gunmen in the northweste­rn city of Aleppo killed local boxing champion Gheyath Tayfour. Syria’s state news agency said an armed group ambushed the 43-year-old boxer in his car near Aleppo University and shot him dead.

Tayfour was not known to have voiced opinions on the country’s conflict, making it unclear whether his killing was politicall­y motivated.

Syria has seen a string of mysterious assassinat­ions lately targeting doctors, professors and businessme­n as the uprising has grown more militarize­d.

In Yemen on Sunday, military officials said that U.S. aircraft carried out four airstrikes in a southern province where al-qaida-linked militants control several key towns.

Two military officials said the airstrikes targeted Khanfar Mountain near the town of Jaar in Abyan province, where al-qaida is in control.

U.S. officials did not comment.

In the past, U.S. warplanes have targeted leaders and facilities of al-qaida in Yemen, considered one of its most dangerous branches. On Saturday, Yemeni officials said U.S. airstrikes killed at least 18 al-qaida-linked militants in the province of Bayda.

Yemeni military officials attributed that attack to the U.S., saying the Yemeni military does not have the capacity to carry out nighttime airstrikes. Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Ben Hubbard, Zeina Karam, Albert Aji, Suzan Fraser and Ahmed al-haj of The Associated Press; by Kareem Fahim and Hwaida Saad of The

New York Times; and by Donna Abu-nasr, Mike Harrison, Robert Hutton, Glen Carey, Emre Peker and Eddie Buckle of Bloomberg News.

 ?? AP/MUZAFFAR SALMAN ?? U.N. envoy Kofi Annan speaks during a news conference in Damascus, Syria, on Sunday.
AP/MUZAFFAR SALMAN U.N. envoy Kofi Annan speaks during a news conference in Damascus, Syria, on Sunday.

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