Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or e-mail

DEAR HELOISE: We just bought a house and are in the process of remodeling. I am having trouble removing soot from the old fireplace. Do you have any suggestion­s?

— Kellie, via e-mail DEAR READER: Depending on how much soot, how old and what type of brick or stone the fireplace is, there are a couple of options. If it is just a few bricks, you can try using an art gum eraser, found at art-supply stores. Knead the eraser and press it onto the bricks to remove the stains. Re-knead to expose a clean area, and repeat as needed.

If your fireplace needs more than that, take a good scrub brush and use some vinegar and water (50/50 solution) to clean. Do only one small area at a time. You may have to scrub more than once.

P.S.: If the brick is old and crumbly, use a sponge or a soft brush.

DEAR HELOISE: I don’t know if you are aware of the fact that canned (not raw) pumpkin does a fantastic job of settling a dog’s digestive tract. My German shepherd got into the cat’s food and ended up with diarrhea. The breeder I bought her from suggested that I give her some canned pumpkin. It worked great!

— Pam M., via e-mail DEAR READER: Canned pumpkin can be used as a home remedy for diarrhea in dogs. Because it is so rich in fiber, it absorbs excess water and helps return things to normal. You must use only pure pumpkin, not pie filling.

After checking with some veterinari­ans, I learned 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds is the recommende­d amount.

If the problem continues for more than 24 hours, call your veterinari­an.

DEAR HELOISE: Once again, I have answered my phone with a “Hello” only to get the response, “Who is this?” I respond back with, “Well, who are you looking for, since you called this number?” and overwhelmi­ngly, this results in the phone being hung up by the person who called me. Why are people so rude?

— Mary, via e-mail DEAR READER: My office phone lines (all five) are answered with just “Hello.” The large number of misdialed calls then say, “Is this Dr. So and So’s office (movie theater, appliance store, college admissions office)?” When the answer is “No,” then they ask, “What number is this?”

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