Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

School is being selfish


I could not help but be saddened and outraged by Little Rock Christian Academy refusing to enroll a Mormon student. I take no offense at the school’s policy because we live in a free country. A country where a school board member can say that because it’s a private school, they can do what they want. But I do take great offense at the connotatio­ns in such a statement. It implies a selfish isolationi­st mindset afraid of even slight difference­s, or an arrogant pride desperatel­y fighting to defend a feeble position.

How do things such as not believing Mormons will go to heaven have anything to do with policy? A simple policy issue has been turned into a mockery of religious propaganda. It has made this shameful act an exemplar of the un-Christian and the un-American.

This school seems proud to point out the speck of sawdust in the other person’s eye, never realizing they have a two-by-four over their own eyes. So far, the lessons I have learned from them have left me no better than I was before. I am a devout Christian. And though I may not like the people that run Little Rock Christian Academy, I still have to love them regardless. Sometimes love is tough.

I ask Little Rock Christian Academy this important question: In this instance, did it stand in Christ’s stead blessing this child, granting this child access to faith and the kingdom of heaven, or did it do the opposite by forbidding itself and Christ the possibilit­y of serving families, churches and the community? PATRICK KANGRGA


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