Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or e-mail

DEAR HELOISE: I am writing to suggest adopting two dogs, if you can afford it. I always had one dog at a time and never thought about the dog being lonely all day, with nothing to do but eat and sleep. No wonder I would get such a great greeting when I came home!

My friend was given a dog when she already had a dog. She said it was such a difference. The dogs are both female, about the same age, and they do everything together. They play, eat and spend lots of time together. She said she would never have just one dog again.

— Dorothy J., Youngstown, Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: I buy numerous toilet brushes at the dollar store when I’m there. I keep an ample supply in the garage, and I use them on sticky cobwebs! I go around the outside and inside of my house, brushing them off the bricks, eaves and corners of windows.

The toilet brush is rough enough in texture to snag the cobweb, but not rough enough to mar the walls or paint.

— Cindy, via e-mail

DEAR HELOISE: Sometimes I have trouble chewing nuts. I toss a couple of cups of almonds in the blender and grind them up. Then I use them in all kinds of ways: in cereal, oatmeal, cake batter, pudding, smoothies, burgers — you name it.

— Elsie in Florida

DEAR READERS: Have an old car tire lying around? Here’s an easy way to put it to good use: Wipe out the tire to remove dirt, cobwebs, etc. Spray-paint it a couple of times. Use a color that complement­s your decor.

Bring it inside and place a pillow or two or several in the middle of the tire. What do you have? A great, comfortabl­e dog bed!

DEAR HELOISE: I use a contact-lens holder to carry just enough hand cream in my purse. It’s a leakproof way to carry the right amount.

— Gail, via e-mail

DEAR READERS: Baking powder usually lasts six months to a year after being opened. When in doubt about whether it is still active, do this quick and easy test.

Take 1 teaspoon of baking powder and place it in a cup of hot water. If the baking powder starts to bubble, you will know that it is still good to use.

 ?? HELOISE ??

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