Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

They don’t get choice


I wish I could have been there in Little Rock.

Paul Greenberg’s recent column brought into focus how millions of babies have been killed in the last 40 years. What an abominatio­n in our country.

I love America and how we always come to the aid of those in crisis both here and abroad. But this killing of our babies has created a black mark on our country that cannot be erased. What are we thinking when we kill the innocent? Seems to me that we have to go abroad to adopt babies because we don’t have babies here to adopt. There is something wrong with that picture. We mourn the lives of children and adults who died at Sandy Hook, but 50 million babies? Really?

I worked in an OB/GYN office and observed many women who returned to obtain multiple abortions as “contracept­ion”—not because of rape, incest or saving the life of the mother, and some at 20 weeks or more gestation when the fetus actually feels pain.

We talk about the woman’s “choice.” Maybe they need to think about the choice that the innocent baby has. I cannot believe the choice of the woman is preferred over the life of the baby.

This is something you have to live with. The choice you make will live with you forever. Life begins at conception. Think about it and make the right choice. Your baby deserves it. JACQUELINE PHILLIPS

Holiday Island

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