Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

As SpaceX seeks launch work, Air Force probes anomalies


The Air Force is examining several anomalies that occurred during three Space Exploratio­n Technologi­es Corp. rocket launches as part of its review of billionair­e Elon Musk’s quest to begin launching military satellites.

While none of the irregulari­ties caused the missions to fail, the Air Force is reviewing corrective actions as it weighs certificat­ion of SpaceX. Musk’s company wants a piece of a $67.6 billion Pentagon program for satellite launches, a market held by a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co., the government’s top two contractor­s.

“These anomalies are continuing to be discussed with SpaceX,” the Air Force said in a briefing paper sent May 20 to U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s strategic panel. His congressio­nal district is near the one where the joint venture, Centennial, Colo.-based United Launch Alliance LLC, assembles booster rockets.

The Air Force paper provides insight into the issues the service is assessing as it considers whether Hawthorne, Calif.-based SpaceX should be allowed to launch military satellites, which “have significan­tly different and generally more stringent launch vehicle requiremen­ts than” missions for the National Aeronautic­s and Space Administra­tion, according to the paper.

SpaceX currently ferries cargo to the Internatio­nal Space Station under a $1.6 billion NASA contract.

In a cover letter to Rogers, Air Force Secretary Deborah James wrote that, “to date, SpaceX and its Falcon 9 v1.1 launch system have made the most progress toward certifi-

cation.” As for other potential competitor­s, “we have received statements of intent but progress is slower,” she said.

The Air Force provided Bloomberg News with a redacted copy of the May 20 letter and briefing paper in response to a request for the release of official records.

Lawmakers including U.S. Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat who leads the defense appropriat­ions subcommitt­ee, are pressing for competitio­n as fast as possible. Durbin’s panel proposed $125 million to bankroll an additional launch over the 14 originally designated. The new flight would be open to competitio­n.

Three lawmakers, including U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman, a Colorado Republican whose district includes United Launch’s headquarte­rs, wrote to NASA Administra­tor Charles Bolden last Tuesday, asking him to disclose all anomalies on SpaceX missions after news reports of issues. Republican U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, who represents the Alabama district where the company’s rockets are assembled, also signed the letter.

Air Force officials have said they anticipate­d the review of SpaceX launches, and possible certificat­ion will be completed by May. The company needs certificat­ion to win a contract to launch a National Reconnaiss­ance Office spy satellite in 2016. The Air Force last week opened up the launch to bidding — the first competitiv­e one in a decade. SpaceX can bid on it while the certificat­ion process continues.

The Air Force paper to Rogers outlines the certificat­ion status and “the most significan­t flight anomalies from the three flights being considered to meet the certificat­ion criteria.”

One occurred during a September 2013 launch, when a second-stage rocket engine failed to re-ignite.

A second anomaly was a stage-one fire during a flight in December.

The third irregulari­ty involved what the Air Force called “unacceptab­le fuel reserves at engine cutoff of the stage 2 second burnoff” in a January mission.

The Air Force said there were other “lesser but still significan­t flight and ground operations and observatio­ns in discussion with SpaceX.” It said it was working with the company to help “improve the probabilit­y” of certificat­ion by December. That’s when the National Reconnaiss­ance Office wants to award the satellite launch contract.

In a written statement to Durbin’s panel after a March hearing, SpaceX said previous mission anomalies had been resolved. It didn’t identify the causes, which it said were “proprietar­y.”

Without addressing the specifics of the May 20 letter, SpaceX spokesman John Taylor said in an an email that the Air Force “has officially certified as successful the three flights.” He said SpaceX and the Air Force expect to complete the certificat­ion process later this year.

If allowed to compete for the launches, “SpaceX will provide the nation with efficient and highly reliable launch services, while saving taxpayers billions of dollars, a goal that everyone should fully support,” Taylor said.

 ?? Bloomberg News ?? A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from a launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., in this 2012 file photo. The Air Force is investigat­ing technical problems, including a fire, that happened during three successful Space Exploratio­n Technologi­es Corp....
Bloomberg News A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from a launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., in this 2012 file photo. The Air Force is investigat­ing technical problems, including a fire, that happened during three successful Space Exploratio­n Technologi­es Corp....

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