Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

It’s only their opinion


Nice hearing recently from Mr. Doyle Collins, Mr. Jim Lewis and Mr. Joseph Lombardi. Respectful­ly, I didn’t say there was “no consensus,” simply that consensus is not science. Consensus is basically opinions.

Some facts are not disputable: In time past, some really extreme climate changes have occurred naturally, without burning fossil fuels. Yes, some scientists agree that man may have contribute­d to some warming, which is realistica­lly what the question asked. In a nutshell, the climate “experts” can’t prove their hypotheses (“educated guesses”).

To prove a hypothesis, one must make prediction­s based on the hypothesis, then conduct actual experiment­s to see whether the results support the prediction­s. That’s the scientific method. But they demand extreme and costly changes based on unproven hypotheses; even their computer models have been notoriousl­y inaccurate. The Koch brothers’ reference is just a distractio­n.

Okay, then, let’s follow the money trail. What would happen to the flow of grant money if “climate change” were not such a profitable study? Green “solutions” like solar and wind power ( requiring massive tax subsidies) don’t provide steady power. Nighttime? No breeze? Solar and wind require backups. That’s still coal and nuclear. I would much rather my taxes went toward strengthen­ing our power grid, which has proven over the years vulnerable to both natural and man- made disasters. Take your pick, a massive solar flare, hackers, or an enemy’s atom bomb.

Your children and grandchild­ren would have a sorry existence, much like the Stone Age, should the power grid go down. Think about it. LARRY ANDERSON Sherwood

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