Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


Victoria Yillia, 20, believed to be the first person to survive Ebola in Sierra Leone, where she lost 21 members of her family to the disease, gave birth to a healthy son just a few minutes’ walk from the ward where last year she nearly died.

The Rev. David Peters, 39, a U.S. Army chaplain from Austin, Texas, has won a national competitio­n to deliver an original sermon on Sept. 11 at St. Paul’s Chapel near ground zero in New York City, which became a sanctuary after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Susan Rick and her boyfriend, Danny Chasteen of Oglesby, Ill., got an IOU from the Illinois State Lottery for the $250,000 lottery prize they won in July because lottery officials must wait for the Illinois Legislatur­e to pass an annual budget so a check can be issued.

Eietyoung Kemp, 19, told Pittsburgh police he was adjusting a gun kept in his underwear as he rode in a car when it fired a round through the front seat, killing one of his friends, resulting in Young being charged with criminal homicide and carrying a firearm without a license.

Joseph Byron, a Benedictin­e monk at the Portsmouth, R.I., Abbey School, sitting atop the school’s 175-foot-tall wind turbine for a moment of solitude he likes to take there, had it disrupted when a drone flown by a vacationin­g California­n zoomed in and took video, which was later posted online.

Dr. Paolo Macchiarin­i, a stem cell scientist who has created windpipes using patients’ stem cells, has been cleared of ethics charges but ordered to submit corrected informatio­n to the journals that published his work to clarify mistakes identified during an inquiry by Sweden’s Karolinksa Institute.

Buzz Aldrin, 85, the second man to walk on the moon, is teaming up with the Florida Institute of Technology to develop “a master plan” for colonizing Mars within 25 years.

Marty Rogers, 47, of Jackson County, Ga., was charged with several counts, including cruelty to animals, after his small, terrier-mix dog named Little Guy tested positive for methamphet­amine when he took it to a veterinary clinic where it panted, paced and acted “extremely nervous.”

Lewis Jackson, 60, of Brunswick, Ga., pleaded guilty to stealing the eggs of protected loggerhead sea turtles from Sapelo Island, barely two years after serving time for the same offense, and now faces more prison time and up to $250,000 in fines.

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