Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: I have a small dog who, because of a medical condition, is a very finicky eater. I found a food she likes, but it comes in a very big can, and I know she won’t eat all of it while it is still fresh.

I divide it up into cupcake papers and freeze. When I give her another helping, I pop it in the microwave for a minute, and Bonnie has a delicious meal.

— Bettie in Picayune, Miss. DEAR READER: Sounds like Bonnie has her meals tailored to her. Once frozen, put the doggie “cupcakes” into a freezer bag to protect the dog food. Wouldn’t want Bonnie to miss out on good nutrition. Watch the temperatur­e when taking it out of the microwave.

Also, if introducin­g a new food, do so gradually, not all at once. Mix a little of the new food with the present food offered. Many dogs, particular­ly small ones, can have digestive problems with a sudden change in diet. Watch the fat. Too much at one time can cause pancreatit­is, which can kill a dog.

DEAR HELOISE: My husband and I travel to Colorado to camp and fish. When we store our coolers, we wad up newspaper and put it in the chests and close the lids. This will work for weeks and months. You won’t have the smell when you open the lid.

— Evalena in Willis, Texas

DEAR HELOISE: We have a 10-by-25-foot strip of lawn that seems to be a resting place for all dog walkers and others who walk dogs. The patches of urine spots make the area look degraded.

I buy crushed red pepper in large jars (sold at big-box stores), sprinkle lightly over the entire lawn area every two weeks and watch my grass grow.

— Jacques S., via email

DEAR HELOISE: I needed containers to store items, and I didn’t have sticky labels. I thought of all the junk mail I had just thrown away and all of the return envelopes. I cut off the closing flap to write my note on, licked it and stuck it to the containers.

— Dorine in Naugatuck, Conn. DEAR READER: Now, that’s a good use of junk mail. You are right: If the mail contains a return envelope, you have a free sticky note shaped like a triangle.

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