Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: Each holiday season, there are more lonely people. For them, Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas are just regular days, but even lonelier. It’s awful.

This could be your neighbor. Some of us dread holidays because we have no family, and friends are with their relatives. We usually eat a TV dinner by ourselves.

Solution: We would be ecstatic to go out for breakfast or lunch. Then you can join your family for dinner.

Please print and help us enjoy the holidays. — Lonely and Alone

in Placentia, Calif. DEAR READER: Your handwritte­n note to me really pulled at my heart. You did not sign it, so I had to guess where you live by your return address. Readers, it appears it’s a retirement community. I could not find an apartment, room number or other informatio­n. So, I’m writing to “Lonely and Alone” here, as well as to others who may feel the same. It can be depressing to be lonely during holidays.

If you feel like this, reach out. There are others like you, and they welcome company, too. Readers, offer to help others where you live, or volunteer at an animal or other shelter. Check on neighbors, co-workers or friends who may be alone. Invite them over for coffee and cookies, or take them to breakfast or lunch. It won’t take much time or money.

Offer a small holiday plant or baked goods (or store-bought) — ask what they might like. Just make contact! Even if they decline, they’ll know someone cares.

P.S.: To my reader, Lonely and Alone, please write again, and include your name or an apartment or room number so I can send you something.

I’m going to ask the staff at your community if they can post this somewhere, and hope you see it in case it does not get printed in your paper.

DEAR HELOISE: To make the perfect-size egg for a muffin-and-egg sandwich, cook the egg as normal. Place a glass upside down on the egg and twist. The same can be done for the cheese. Place the excess pieces of egg and cheese on the sandwich.

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