Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A nation obsessed with identity


What’s the word? The “Word of the Year” at Oxford Dictionari­es is not even a word. It is an emoji, a digital image that is used in text messages to express an idea or emotion in a style that seems in my eyes to be aimed at illiterate­s.

Oxford Dictionari­es justified this selection by citing an explosion in “emoji culture” over the last year and not, as I fear, a collapse in the public’s desire to read.

“It’s flexible, immediate and infuses tone beautifull­y,” Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Dictionari­es, said in a statement. “As a result, emoji are becoming an increasing­ly rich form of communicat­ion, one that transcends linguistic borders.”

The emoji chosen, titled “face with tears of joy,” depicts a gleefully cheerful smiley face with enormous water drops exploding out of its eyes. Cute.

But as an indicator of the social, political and economic world in which I usually work, a world that feels a lot less predictabl­e than it did a year ago, I prefer the choices made by two other major dictionary companies.

First prize goes to “identity,” the choice of, a timely topic for the year that gave us Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner, among other challenges to our society’s convention­al sense of selfhood and otherness.

Dolezal will be remembered as the Spokane NAACP leader who passed for black, a complete reversal of the usual American tradition. This upset white conservati­ves who didn’t like the NAACP anyway. It also upset black traditiona­lists who felt Dolezal hadn’t paid enough dues to pose as an authentic African American.

This conundrum proved to be remarkably similar to the dust-up kicked by Caitlyn Jenner’s decision to emerge from the body of Olympic medalist Bruce Jenner. A few prominent radical feminists resented what they saw as Jenner’s E-ZPass around decades of struggle against institutio­nal sexism.

Episodes like that, CEO Liz McMillan said in a news release, sent enough people running to online dictionari­es and other media to make identity “the clear front-runner.”

“Our data indicated a growing interest in words related to identity,” McMillan said, “as people encountere­d new terms throughout the year based on events tied to gender, sexuality, race and other key issues.”

In a similar vein, named a suffix to be its word of the year: “-ism.” The website’s word watchers began to notice a surge in look-ups that ended in those three letters. Of the thousands of queries, seven with political themes rose to the top: socialism, fascism, racism, feminism, communism, capitalism and terrorism.

This was a year in which Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidenti­al candidate and self-described democratic socialist from Vermont, opened up a national dialogue of how socialism really works as something more than the epithet that conservati­ves like to fling at President Barack Obama. As Sanders’ crowds surged in midsummer, so did look-ups for “socialism” online.

Similarly, billionair­e showman Donald Trump’s calls for mass deportatio­n of immigrants and praise for Vladimir Putin, among other comments, sent many rushing to their keyboards to look up “fascism.”

And racism, feminism, communism, capitalism and terrorism— among other popular -isms—have been so bent out of shape by partisan and ideologica­l accusation­s and counter-accusation­s that you need a dictionary just to keep score.

It is too early to say how much of an impact all of this chatter about identity and -isms will have on the 2016 presidenti­al campaign. We have elections to decide questions like that.

But as money, ideology and celebrity increasing­ly replace political parties as the pilots of national election campaigns, I am encouraged to hear that at least some people care about the words our political leaders use. I wish more of our political leaders did.

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