Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.

— Albert Einstein

In this deal from last year’s NEC tournament in Yokohama, Japan Jason Hackett played three no-trump as South, after East had opened two diamonds to show a weak hand with one major. One can hardly blame West for failing to lead a heart. While the logic of leading a diamond is obvious, West decided from the lack of a Stayman inquiry to try a major. He led a low spade, and Hackett guessed extremely well at trick one to put up the jack (perhaps because the lead might have been from queen-third).

Now came a low heart from dummy, East inserting the nine. Declarer won the ace, led a club to the king and a club back to East’s queen. He took the diamond shift and led a third club, catching the defenders in a very unusual position.

If West played low, then he would be known to win the fourth club, since he still had the ace. So declarer would cash the heart king and throw West in with the third diamond. West would be able to cash his minor winners, but would then have to lead a spade into the tenace at trick 12.

If West flew up with the club ace, then East would be sure to win the fourth club. Declarer could win the diamond return, cash his spade winner, remove East’s exit in diamonds and run the heart eight, letting East win and cash his master club but lead a heart into the tenace at trick 12. This line would work equally well if the defenders cashed the fourth club at once.

ANSWER: Your partner has suggested a hand with more values than a direct jump to three clubs, so you have too much to pass now. Since he clearly does not have a diamond stopper (or he would bid no-trump himself), you do not want to suggest no-trump. (A three-diamond call might show jack-third or an equivalent half-stopper.) It feels best to raise to four clubs; if partner passes, you won’t have missed game.

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